b'BIBLICAL STUDIESIsrael in the church. Fred Zaspel and Jim Hamilton assert a future mass conversion that does not include a role for eth-nic Israel. And Benjamin Merkle contends that Romans 911 promises neither a future mass conversion nor a role for eth-nic Israel.GeneraleditorAndrewDavidNasellihelpfullysetsthe debate in its larger biblical-theological context in the introduc-tion, while Jared Compton provides a useful summary of the views and interactions at the end of the volume.Rightly relating the church to Israel is a fundamen-tal and wide-ranging theological and hermeneutical issue. This volume provides the most theologically rich entry point into the issue. It is clearly written, and the back-and-forth format allows the reader to weigh the arguments for each view.Douglas J. Moo, Wheaton CollegeThis book is not only an excellent contribution to the study of Romans 911, but it will serve those who are trying to wrestle through larger questions of bib-lical theology very well. Compton and Naselli have framed the discussion carefully (perhaps as well as any multiple-views book Ive seen), and the writers engage the text and each others views frankly and fairly. A very helpful work!David M. Doran, Inter-City Baptist Church,Allen Park, Michigan, Detroit BaptistTheological SeminaryJared Compton (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is a pastor at CrossWay Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin. His other publications include Psalm 110 and the Logic of Hebrews.THREE VIEWS ON ISRAEL AND THE AndrewDavidNaselli(PhD,TrinityEvangelicalDivinity CHURCH School) is an associate professor of New Testament and the-Perspectives on Romans 911 ology at Bethlehem College and Seminary. His other publica-tions include How to Understand and Apply the New Testament.v iewpointsCONTENTSJARED COMPTON AND ANDREW DAVID NASELLI Introduction (Andrew David Naselli)A Non-Typological Future-Mass-Conversion View (Michael J. Vlach)978-0-8254-4406-7$21.99 Response to Vlach (Fred G. Zaspel and James M. Hamilton Jr.)Paperback5.5 x 8.5272 pages Response to Vlach (Benjamin L. Merkle)Biblical Studies / New Testament / Pauls Letters A Typological Future-Mass-Conversion View (Fred G. Zaspel and Kregel Academic James M. Hamilton Jr.)Rights: World Response to Zaspel and Hamilton (Michael J. Vlach)Available Response to Zaspel and Hamilton (Benjamin L. Merkle)A Typological Non-Future-Mass-Conversion View The relationship between Israel and the church is a long-stand- (Benjamin L. Merkle)Response to Merkle (Michael J. Vlach)ing debate in Christian theology, and Romans 911 are theResponse to Merkle (Fred G. Zaspel and James M. Hamilton Jr.)most important chapters for understanding it. How one inter- Conclusion (Jared Compton)prets these chapters determines how one understands biblical theology, how the New Testament uses the Old Testament, and how the old and new covenants are related.To help readers draw their own conclusion, four leading scholars on this issue present a case for their viewpoint, fol-lowed by a response and critique from the others. Michael Vlach argues for a future mass conversion and a role for ethnic kregel.com/academic17'