b'CHURCH HISTORYCONTENTS (WORLD) CONTENTS (AMERICAN)Part 1: The Ancient Church (AD 33600) Part 1: Colonial Years: Religion Among Migrants and in 1.The Early Church and the Earliest Fathers (33150) Churches (16001770) 2.The Persecuted Church and the Apologists (150300) 1.The Earliest Colonists: Migrating People Groups3.The Prominence of the Church, Bishops, and Councils2.Shaping of Religion in British America and the Beginnings of (300600) MethodismPart 2: The Medieval Church (6001500) Part 2: National Era: Religion in a New Social Setting4.The Early Medieval Church (600900) (17701880) 5.The Middle Medieval Church (9001200) 3.Role of Religion in the Birth of the Nation (17701790)6.The Late Medieval Period (12001500) 4.Religious Life and the New NationPart 3: The Church, the Reformation, and Early Modern History5.Democratic Experience, Religious Controversy, and Advance (15001650) (18251840)7.Martin Luther and the Lutheran Churches 6.Churches, Civil War, and Reconstruction (18401880)8.Zwingli, Calvin, and the Reformed Tradition Part 3: Modern Times: Religion in a Mechanized and Mighty 9.Anabaptists, Anglican, and Other Reformations Land (18801960) 10.The Roman Catholic Reformation 7.Great Divide: Religious Liberalism and Conservativism Part 4: The Enlightenment and Early Modern History8.Polarization and Fracturing of American Christianity(16501900) 9.Course of the Liberal Tradition (1920 and After)11.The Rise of and Reaction to the Enlightenment 10.Recent Trends in Various Religious Bodies12.The Conservative Reaction to Religious Liberalism Part 4: Postmodern Period: Religion and the Preservation of Part 5: Postmodern History (1900Present) Faith (1960Present) 13.Christianity in Europe: The Twentieth and Twentyfirst11.World in Transition: A New World EmergesCenturies 12.Churches and the Struggle for Relevancy14.A New World View Emerges54Chapter 1 The Early Church and the Earliest Fathers (33150)55 124Chapter 3 Role of Religion in the Birth of the Nation (17701790)125omilaitna ryyo kle.ea Jdeesurssh waip st ouhatt Th faa oulaldm tb-fihrogwu roe,fftbuhe tR m Th f Jesus, Called the Christ,3.3. EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1770 (resulting in the doueas Bth oosf tfion Tve Bea Postaorntiya.ns), of step with the expectations of most. Noe Iw te Iw tmhe Lpe Lpororotranrand Jcee oee osuf Js Cs Chrhriisst.t. l h and iWn 1773 t of mthe Townshend Tax Pro-w NSecond, the scattering of the Jews in theThe m most impotr r twtawaninltt eveentt i in a al l human h history,BRITISH POLICY COLONIAL RESPONSE g hile mhoe istna Psr coognrtaimnu eidnw celeee b ebervraveaetnenetdtd t tihihna ta a wdwdoioilrlrli i nbnbgeginr atmh ewa ssrreomm u brespeqeauleendt,tNheo rtethataTxa xw D the event thalwlhheenn beevents throughGreenville Sugar Act (1764) support of the East India Tea Company. The tioians puonrdae fro tlhoew Binabg ytlhoen idaensst rcuacstti otnh eomf t ahcer onass-orsesehmhmipbpb e fefrorererd d a a lwofetteer n naiaitltlyl ,, ototththheerinsignificance,Tax Program C destruction of British tea in Boston in 1773-the Mediterranean world, the largest concen- the centuriestime fade into t tr being inl Babylon andiAlexandria, centersti on the person of Jesus: : his incarna-d-rency Act (1765)ct (1764) Stamp Act Congress (1765) led Parliament to close the harbor to al rimh ebews abneyga a oonene,n ,n smsmioinnnni.i s.s HtHtriyisys,, l licifrfereu u cciccihfiaxnxnigiogoenend,trthreheesesu u wrwroroerctrctldi o ofnon,r,r e eavavnener!dr!Sturamp A ranted h idg efo haotuiognhsJedw fsr ocmou td e t efmoupnled,Jnm cinti etso. ta isc Quartering Act (1765) (Internal vs. External Tax) ports u natcitl iMona.s sAa cchruissiest tosf pau p trhoep ourntwioanrs- scSaetphaerra tien synagogues, houses for prayer and Perhaps, ,K Karl B Barth wa was correct when he iden- loomed on the horizon. The Second Conti-g study. The synagogue figured promi- tified John 1:14 as the central e Declaratory Act (1766) C i A 1789 engraving in the History of North America by W. Dr.Torahinto early missionary strategy as Paules xtt oonn Rockingham neanyt a1l775o nfoglrleosws,i nmg etehtein b gatn tl ePshilfa deexlpihnigat oinn ino Boopsetor nd.e Apitc tthineg L Aibmraeryri coafn Cso thngrorewsisn. gC oteuar tinestyoothf Peh haarrobso.nentlyte M oL CfocusedJ on preaching in the synbaefgoorgeu ea carnation (The word du sbs).ec a FaFmureret h flhye e oror,f ,fP hPhhihisi il lpipipeprprsisaoaonns,,fleshh aann d dt th mhme a idindne-e-T Gla Boston Massacre (1770) an d Independence, folowing the Battle of Bunker g s ttho- h dw e ieilsl li ainan g wgw amoenn Taoxw Pnrsohgernadm Papsesr, L, Teeaa Ad, Pcats (1767)int cildia tCioonn,c bourdt ,alseot eprrmepianreedfotorwpaurr.s uOenrJeuclyo n4,- eerwinsgaenlsde wGhoedr-ef e(aArcintsg1G3e:5n, t1il4e;s1 hisergfgfuul summaryth narratives, i itCommitee of Corespondence (1772) 1776, the congress issued the Declaration ofHil in Boston.2:511 oom2:511 nd7:r1e,nly, wosrsk, k,S S imai manededo oe nenx xi ainanlt tt atahteieio o tntne.m .m Inpnp lt letheh wewe bhbhioir tc connected him 11i4, :7a;p 1a t0 w North Tea Act (1773) Boston Tea Party (1773)wah7a;v i1n8g:1 n4o,1y9n; a1g9o:8gu1e0, )c. aPuhsielidp pPaul p s to shiftwa Tax Programf with I Isaiahss prophecies as a light o of revelationleneCoercive Acts (1774) First Continental Congress (1774)(rAocmts h 1i6s :1n2orm13a)l;stthrea tceagsye a insd l ipkreelya cahls oou ttrduoeo orsftotthhee G a).n).n d JdJ o oththhhnene,,gtgthlhloeoer r yaya p poof s ytytlouloue, rsrs u upmeomompala- Quebec Act (1774)Geueunktkteieil le 2:32e2:32s, Itssrraaell (L(LPerga (13:14). The synagogues were the initial rized w hwa hwaat s h h lieief fe, e,h aa aadndn d ldle e tatahranante e ldlidif fe fefr war owaoms ht thhihimeme ll itigthghhiststo waowaf a ayl:l:Daetctllaers aatt Lione xoingf Rtigohn ats nad Cnd Gonriecovard (1775)nces SBcontact points in early evangelistic work and In hikimiminunudsds (( caJaomhen 1:4en 1:4 as ). ).Israelss priestly redeemerDeeccolanrd Catioon ontinf tehne Ctal Cauosnges arenss (1775)d Necessity of Taking Up Armsouretacohfi ngt hsetmra teggrye ww ast hteod cehmurocnhsetrsa. teP atuhalst Bunker Hill (1775)p Hebrew Scriptures, so cherished by themanJke (Me(Ms att. 22:4146) but was renounced andDeclaration of Independence (1776)theking Jews, announced the coming of the Messiah denounced b by t theb hbhe ev verified b by eprsrsohohpipip.het etTh Ths oe oeyfyfo r orledel-d- and were fulfiled in Jesus Christ. He did thisa na a tatililolol tn tnhssa ltlet te athahden prb3y: 3p2ro4fu2s).ely quoting Jewish Scriptures (Actsjected h haitistse ec dcdl,a,a t itihmhou t togising t the dead (L (Luke 7:1117 7:1117;without the privilege of representation due toThe Townshend Tax Program, a series of 1 a anntticici p ipincluding r ra nuumerous mir-accllees,The Adoratioion of the Shepherds (25 December 1622) by Gerard van Honthorst (15901656). Courtesy of the YorckBritish subjects. measures enacted by the Chancelor of the Ex-1.3. HISTORY OF THE INTERTESTAMENTAL ERA AND THE JEWS Projeject. teen In co1765 lonies comloet niisn ts Nefrw om Yonrk inte o foof rmthue latthe ira - ch Charles Townshend, created height-John 11:3844), and his words (Matt. 26:5556;wa r eneed quaenrx, iettey d in ittehme s co(lgolansis, es. lTheadis , separiiens t, of ptaapxeers , John 6:2559, 8:1220,10:730, 11:1729). Theyteseq cuheargey o f( pJoohlinti c19:3031al insurr),ect tihoenyafnadb rhicea wateds re PaWrlihaimle entht e to cocnoglreect ss traexceogs, nit izaerd gutehd eandesigned to relieve the national igshpt onose. fo nd imtepao) rwas thw c f t is Jesusthsaat geis, t d ight to tax isints tewrnerae ldreibtt isbh y throeolppis ng in to thoe ffcset olotnhie es; coinst stoef aqdu, athrte errienvg -meorsetbprliensdseindg, b uyr tgheen ts hnoeretds iwaghtse ad pnhesyss icthaal,t m thile-thrue Kcifiineg od unhde Jer etwhes (M accautst. 27:37 u oind ly niomt phoarvte s. tShie ncre the colon BBY TDHOE PMINERIOSINANS DOHME GINRIOENEKS IJNDEISH SPENDTAETNET BY TDOHE RMINOIMONANS p g h wa ation: ).Thisn en the salaries of English BY T EW itraerdyidne lDivaevriadncfeoblydaann de aJurtdhalysMleaadccearberuesfi o-fkingAd okmin wags enot as,nbueart,t halytotnhae t( tiou juorti srdeipctrieosn endteid d nino t Peaxrtleianmd eonvte, r pathrle iacmoleonntaiers. ygouvee rnwams enutsealdoffito cipaalsy .u o Y me, s aJye stuhsasttua recent vintage. Jesuss claim to be a spiri- k v Houses of Parliament did not consider the Dec- Reaction to this new wave of what the col332 BC 165 64 37 morl ed e litvoeor emr furcohm;hite awavens ,b thlaes pShonem ofy ,G a o dc,l waaims I am a king [John 18:3337]). Jesus came to es- t t laras tnioon t roef cogRignhizts ed aans d a Gdroiecvaumnecnes t abuetchaourse izeid toneisntstl y coexnpsridesesered di inleJgoahlnin waLs etetleor simply tu eianrtghdloym d itmhaetn swioounlsd hya mee banotsh sfpih wa qu Dtircuksiinosnosns aballi sahn da b o rie- Maccabean Vassalship Subjection worthy of death (John 10:3139). The proof ofkiinlg dboem, e when his body, thebeya alltehge itSim making it clea t. Parht e PDaerclilaamraetnorty sof a PennsByrlivatisnh ia sFoladrimerey r. aTned nBsioosnts on boicilteid zeonvreyr ,John Witherspoon is the second seated person on the right at the front of John Trumbulls (17561843) painting Revolt ministry of theer gHinogly n Sopwir itth (rJouohgnh 16:711 the cen).tu Thrieas,t p taamtepgAoct, verbunmt iesnsur ed thta liament did re- b the so-caled Boston Massacre inof the presentation of the draft of the Declaration of Independence to Congress. Hangs in the US Capitol rotunda. the falsity of his claims, in their judgment, was, w comnsummatedActs (1766)leetadwieneg n to that he ).b rNokoetathbele L taow k oilflMhiomse isn (M thaet t.m 5:2148ost gro- church, is complete. He conquered deathauthority extended to its colonies. Courtesy of Panoptik.12:114Invitation to Church History: WorldInvitation to Church History: World Invitation to Church History: AmericanInvitation to Church History: AmericanInvitation to Church History is substantial yet accessi- This is a book that not only presents a compelling ble, nuanced yet transparent, relevant without beingstudy of church history but also provides a compel-trendy, detailed yet carefully contextualized. Packedling case for why church history needs to be stud-with engaging narratives and insightful analyses, theied.Itismasterfullycompiled,artfullypresented, textisaccompaniedbycarefullyselectedillustra- and poignantly delivered. It deserves to be used as a tions which effectively clarify concepts. textbook in church history courses not just because Eric J. Lehner, Virginia Beach Theologicalof its comprehensiveness, but because of the pastoral Seminary wisdom it gives to those who are committed to the Invitation to Church History is a tour de force fromchurch whose story this book tells.amasterteacher,scholar,andtheologian.JohnR. Todd Mangum, Biblical Theological SeminaryHannah is one of only a small handful of historians who can command such a sweeping grasp of two mil-lennia of church history and can distill that vast his-tory down in a way that effectively traces its enduring themes and pinpoints its most significant theological turning points.Timothy D. Hall , Samford Universitykregel.com/academic11'