b'BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION13.The Meaning of Words: Linguistics, Semantics, Exegetical Fallacies, and Figurative Language Asaseminaryprofessor,IhaveusedKstenbergerand Part 3: The Goal: Theology Pattersons first edition and its abridged volume over the years 14. Making the Connection: Getting Our Theology from to the continued delight of my students. The authors method-the Bible ical hermeneutical triad is a responsible and easy approach APPLICATION AND PROCLAMATION: GODS WORD COM- to Scripture giving handlebars by which to grasp the histor-ING TO LIFE ical background, literary design, and theological message of 15.Getting Down to Earth: Applying, Teaching, and Preaching thethe inspired word of God. This second edition ofInvitation to Word Biblical Interpretationachieves something that I thought nearly impossible: it improves on an already definitive textbook, offer-In this thoroughly updated edition of theirInvitation to Biblicaling a fresh tour de force on hermeneutics and related issues Interpretation, Kstenberger and Patterson provide a first-ratewhile remaining remarkably accessible. . . . This book remains evangelicalhermeneuticstext.Topicssuchaschronology,the premier text on hermeneutics.archaeology, canon, figurative language, theology, and applica- Cory M. Marsh, Southern California Seminarytion have been carefully reworked to reflect the latest in schol-arship. Each chapter also provides interpretive guidelines, aHow should one skillfully interpret the very Word of God, glossary of key words, study questions, short assignments, andOldandNewTestaments?Everygenerationneedsleaders a bibliography. Teachers and students alike will findInvitationwho can answer this question faithfully, and this new edition to Biblical Interpretationto be a gold mine of faithful and reliableofInvitation to Biblical Interpretation provides a faithful standard scholarship in service of the Church. Highly recommended! for our day. . . . This volume will richly aid every level of biblical J. Scott Duvall, Department of Biblical Studies andinterpreter, whether you are just beginning to study the Sacred Theology, Ouachita Baptist University Text or already teach it to others.Jason S. DeRouchie, Midwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryAll the praise heaped on the first edition of this book can be repeated for the second. Along with updating of all chapters, 68Chapter 1 Welcome to the Hermeneutical Triad: History, Literature, and Theology 69 considerable new material has been added. This comprehen-sive guide wonderfully balances new methods and discover- GUIDELINES FOOVR BERAIBLLLIC MAEL ITHNOTDERPRETATION:ies with commitment to the unchanging written word of God. I.PREPARATIONel:f for the interpretive task by recognizing your own presuppositions. Prayf AuthoredbydistinguishedscholarsofbothOldandNew P APP I TOI NN Prepare tyoo ouprsen your mind to understaen dh ethrme SeSecncnreiptutuicraels t. rAiapdp.roach your task with a proper ROCLLIACMATAT O fore GtGhooddfor biblical interpretationthTheology I.m N: Testaments, this wide-ranging manual will continue to aid in INTERePtReersm (hinisi IOhry).1.D RETATe ttor e historical setting of the passage and identify relevant cultural background D2.issucate your passage in the larger canonical context of Scripture (literature/canon). opening the Bibles historical, literary, and theological riches LLo3.i Dliterary graetnurree /agnedn ures)e.appropriate interpretive principles for 4.I ineteterprmreitnineg gy oeaucrcr hp agsivsaegne gsegnuraeg (e ilitn a pe I assage and interpret figures of speech in keeping w to serious readers, especially those wishing not merely to read INTERPRETATION 5. dietnhnht t pifry aopney fir pgriunrcaiptilvee ls oafn interpretation (literature/figurative languagei)is. course context, Roenad cducatrienfgu laly a funlnl d s but also to apply and proclaim.R -fleedegk tedo u dinscdoeurrsstean ad analn eysisn tifir r pe posassibslaleg (e ilitn iteras ltuarerg/lear dnguage/discourse cHistory (The Hermeneutical Triad) Literature 6.Coonntdeuxct a sems I c t).C emsa).ntic field study of any significant terms in a passage (literature/language/Canon 7.b im Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminarywordtn t eane minganjodr terhseteaonlodginicg oal tf thheheme ceh(sa) iracn a pter aasnsd page alan ond df Geoted irmn dinee talhine pg wasitsh hageis ps ceoonptrle i-ehhe uPREPARATION LaGnegnuraegeduetnioology).ify to t(theoII. APPLICATION & PROCLAMATION:A nd make proper application to your life A1.3. Guidelines for Biblical Interpretation: Overal Method anssdse tsostthheelcifofoen otef mthpeo crhauryrc rhe lteovdaanyc. eF ionfd a a ppapsrsoapgreia ate ways to communicate the theological amessage of your passage to others.452Chapter 11 Visions of the End: Apocalyptic (Revelation) 453129 Thform but aealsnoi nthge c moreraenspinogn.ds rathise ri ss rtraathigehrt ufonrlwikaer ad lhyi stoto rthicea le vneanrrtsa tnivaer rwatheedr.eThtheepsyrimmaboryli stmhe oin-theyW alhsiol ec trheeatseease wlf-hionltee rnperwet esde ts yomf qbuoelss thioelnps .t oA nt atirmroews,ththee rya ningtee ropfr reeft etrheen stsy mfobr oalgwiviethnsaynmotbhoelr,loegvieclaalt imon dominates in such ath wea uy ntdhaertl tyhine gp aesvseangte. ex Jporhenss ecso mdimreuctnlyic tahtee st htheorolouggihca sl ysmigbnoifilicca inmce-s tiyvmelbyo rle. pThresee snetv tehnelHamolpys S rpeiprrite.s Thentetthweo s wevietnne spssiersi tasr oe fi dGeondti,fi aendd a tsh tew soe voelinv esp trireietssaonf dG towdo fi lgamurpaRapoints to130angedr yo nsolyaisn tdoi rreecctrleyat ep hthysei cdaelt raeilasl iotife hs.is vision but the symbols point beyond the text to spiritual,stnadn dses.e mTh teo o dleivneo tter etehse a Snpdir liat-mempspotanwdesr eadr ep esyomplbe oolfi cG roedp.r Aesletnhtoautgiohn sth beo irnrtoewrperde tfarotimonZoefc aha syrmiahb o4ltheoDelogtiecraml, iannindg a ltshoe denotation of a symbol is muddled by the possibility of polyvalence.Wuseh iolef awoem feo lsloymwibnogl si nptoertepnrteitaivlley s ttreipgsg etoraar prilveet haot rtah eo mf coosnt nporotabtaiobnles i, nwteen rdeecdo mmmeaennidn gt hfoerjua dgiicvieonu ssymbol. thieth t eax st.y mOnbcoelcthanerbefe eproetnetn itsi aidlleyn ctoifinefuds winigth, iitn h tehlep ftuelxlyt,liitm tyitpsi tchaell iyn bteencodmede ms tehaen fiinxge do fm ae saynminbgo lf oinrsht that particular symbol in Revelation.1. Recognizeu ttihoen ss,y mplbaocelisc,iamnadg eevryen atsss.o Thciaet efidr swt istthe pth iesdteos crreicpotigonniz oeftpheeo pplree asenndc bee oinf gssy, mcobloolrisc, 10.2. SELF-INTERPRETED SYMBOLS IN REVELATION:numbers, institim ems simple enough, but all too often intieornpsr.e Thterisn fka oil ft oR erveecloagtnioinze a sth aant Reference Symbol Interpretive Signal Symbol Identifiedalmaogestr ye vienr tyhteh itnexgt i. nTh Riesv seelastteioandroefs oa nvaidteeso w rietcho srdyminbgo olfic t hcoe nfunotutarte world. John paints verbal pic- 1:20 seven stars[they] arethe angels of the seven imperse dsesipoincitisntigctehveo ckoen at esnetnss oefohfi sw voinsdioenr,rawe, a 1:20 seven lampstands (eisin) ( ) churches painting intur intended to eplete nwdi twho srysmhibpo aliscwheulel sa asn todschoamdmesu. Hniicsa dtee spcrroipphtieotnics [they] arethe seven churchesa (eisinersechatological expepclatcaetiso, nasn. dTh evise nimtsp cliaersr yth aa tm metoaspt hdoersiccrailp toiro snys mofb poeliocp cloe nonr obteaitniogns,.cTholiosr sis,nesupme 4:5 seven lamps before the throne these ar)e( the seven spirits of God(ha eisinbers, inrsuteit uift iae pvet s,r s onno,tnounmlyb oecr,c cuorslo er,x oprli acintylyt hbiuntg a elslsoeirmecpulricsi ttlhyr owuigthh othutetsheev ebnofookld.Froepr eetxitaimonp loef, 5:6 seven horns and seven eyes ofwhich ar)e( the seven spirits of Gth od sent ch onen the Lamb (hoi eisin out into all the eariael lnyu tm wboerrd ss or phrases. The symbolic weight of the number seven as representative of comple- 5:8 golden bowls full of incensewhich ar)ethe prayers of the saints cion or perfection can hardly be overstated. Much of the imagery in the Apocalypse, however, is t (hai eisinertainmerely designed to heighten the coloring of the picture by adding vividneevsesr aynthd imngo vae smymenbt otol f iotrss 7:1314 the multitude in white robes these aroi eisine( ) the sain eat tribulavtione come out (hout of the grts who haof the gscTh n, ae ,c raeraedfu Rl erveealdaitniogn o wf itthhe a tne xint fwoirlml aevdo siden msitaikviintygto the symbolic nature of11:4 the two olive trees and the tt stand beforwe othese arethe two witnessesoemneetsh. iFnogretlhseis.reaesroegfeorry. lampstands tha (houtoi eisin)its language and ima the Lord of the earth (hout those who did not defile omen and 2. Look for interpretationist hoifn t hthoseecsoynmtebxotl so wf itthhein tihsieo vni snioanr.r aThtivee s. eMaconndysttiemp eiss,toth leo oinkt feonrd aend 14:4 the 144,000( these aroi eisine) themselves with wes pureinetean rpifnyg oefcausesb thew sy v es eid aernet iffiaciraltyi oena.s yTh toe 17:9 the seven heads of the beast[they] arekept themselvm n retatio ansoyfm yoml biso lesx(eisin) seven hills (Rideti b ofpliucliatl:ypm = sevform robvoidl e+dbiysJthoihsnotrh ease h eaarvee nlwy hbichein ga.r Theseven kings (emperome) and also ors?)foelvloewlaitniogn l.ist provides a brief summary of some of the occurrences of self-interpreted symbols in19:8 fine linen, bright and cleangar . . . estin( the righteous acts of the saintsR stands for )129.B ermine if the s yam syboml bstoelm resl afrteosm t oa nth ael luussei oonfttoh et hOe lOd lTde sTteasmtamenetn. Tht. Aeethntiirrdestteexptfoofr J oadhjnus- 130.Edarkn Seithr , 2M0. 0H7u), 2m1p.hrey, And I Turned to See the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New Testament (Grand Rapids:dica3ti.n Dge tths es amtueraanteindg w oifth allusions to the Old Testament. John frequently uses the language and Ve . Poythress, Genre and Hermeneutics in Rev 20:16, JETS 36 (1993): 42. vision(s) i kregel.com/academic11'