b'BIBLICAL INTERPRETATIONA masterful guide for accurately interpreting and applying Gods WordInthissecondeditionofInvitationtoBiblicalInterpretation, Andreas Kstenberger leads the reader step-by-step through the process of interpreting and applying Gods Word.The primary principle is the hermeneutical triad, which consistsofhistory,literature,andtheology.Readersare equipped to explore the historical background of a biblical passage, analyze its literary genre and features, and derive its COMINGtheological meaning in light of the biblical canon. Numerous SOON examples are provided throughout to illustrate the concepts. A concluding chapter provides direction on practical applica-tion, preaching, and helpful tools for Bible study.Additional features include key words and definitions at the end of each chapter, study questions, and practical exer-cises for applying the material. An appendix lists numerous resources for Bible study, including recommended commen-taries for every book of the Bible.The second edition updates these resources, as well as the sources cited throughout, and includes a revised chapter on the Old Testament canon. Instructors, students, pastors, and anyone who desires to interpret Scripture accurately will find this volume to be an indispensable addition to their library.Andreas J. Kstenberger (PhD, Trinity Evan-gelical Divinity School) is research professor of New Testament and biblical theology at Mid-western Baptist Theological Seminary. His other publications include The Jesus of the Gospels.RichardD.Patterson(PhD,Universityof INVITATION TO BIBLICALCalifornia) is Distinguished Professor Emeritus atLibertyUniversity.Hisotherpublications INTERPRETATION include For the Love of Gods Word.Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and TheologyCONTENTS2nd Edition PREPARATION: THE WHO, WHY, AND HOW OFANDREAS J. KSTENBERGER INTERPRETATIONWITH RICHARD D. PATTERSON 1.Welcome to the Hermeneutical Triad: History, Literature, and TheologyInvitation to Theological Studies INTERPRETATION: THE HERMENEUTICAL TRIADsee page 36 for full series Part 1: The Context of Scripture: History978-0-8254-4676-4$51.99W 2.Setting the Stage: Historical-Cultural BackgroundHardcover7.5 x 9.25704 pages KREGEL Part 2: The Focus of Scripture: LiteratureBiblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics A C A D E M I C 3.The Old Testament Canon: The Law, the Prophets, and the February 2021 Writings4.The New Testament Canon: The Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and ApocalypseSUPPLEMENTARY CLASSROOM MATERIAL 5.Enjoying a Good Story: Old Testament Historical NarrativeAVAILABLE: 6.A Word from the Wise: Poetry and Wisdom7. Back to the Future: ProphecyChapter Quizzes 8. Hearing the Good News: New Testament Historical Narrative Syllabus Shell (Gospels & Acts)9. Calling for Discernment: ParablesPresentation Slides 10. Going by the Letter: EpistlesContact KregelAcademic@kregel.com for supplementary material. 11. Visions of the End: Apocalyptic Literature (Revelation)12. The Importance of Context: Grammar, Syntax, and Discourse10kregel.com/academic'