Price: $18.99
ISBN: 9780825448898
Edition: May 13, 2025
Pages: 240
Publication date: May 13, 2025
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Kregel Publications
Category: Christian Living and Devotionals
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What the Bible and Creation Teach Us About Sabbath Living
What can a hummingbird's flight, jellyfish's life cycle, and bee's waggle dance reveal about a restful and flourishing life?
In a world that prizes hustle and constant productivity, breaking the habit of hurry can seem far-fetched, and yet we still try to achieve it with life hacks to get more sleep and increase energy. But self-help strategies are not the solution to our exhaustion problem.
In this six-week Bible study, you'll explore the deep roots of rest found in Scripture and the outdoors while unearthing attainable rest for everyday life. Through nature reflections, scriptural word studies, and guided journaling prompts, you will learn how to
God's promise of rest offers a path out of hurry and exhaustion and into a life of peace and purpose. This is an invitation to live fully alive. Will you take it?