b'Sanctified SexualityValuing Sex in an Oversexed WorldSandra L. Glahn and C. Gary Barnes, editorsExpert biblical and practical advice for handling todays most challenging sexual issuesA lthoughmoderncultureconstantlychangesitsviewson sexuality,Godsdesignforsexualityremainsthesame. Bringingtogethertwenty-fiveexpertcontributorsinrelevant fieldsofstudy,SandraL.GlahnandC.GaryBarnesaddress themostimportantandcontroversialareasofsexualitythat Christians face today. From a scriptural perspective and with an irenic tone, the contributors address issues such as:The theology of the human bodyMale and female in the Genesis creation accountsAbortionCelibacySexuality in marriageContraceptionInfertilityCohabitationDivorce and remarriageSame-sex attractionGender dysphoriaAn ideal handbook for pastors, counselors, instructors, and students, Sanctified Sexuality provides solid answers and prudent advice for the many questions Christians encounter.Sandra L. Glahn is associate professor of media arts and wor-ship at Dallas Theological Seminary. She is the author or coau-thor of more than twenty-five books, including Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, two books on infertility, and a book on contraception.C.GaryBarnesisprofessorofbiblicalcounselingatDallas Theological Seminary. He is a licensed clinical psychologist, board certified by the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists, a clini-cal member of Sexual Wholeness, and an ordained Anglican priest.RELATED TITLESUNIQUE SELLING POINTS Expert contributors and experienced978-0-8254-4624-5$24.99editors Paperback6 x 9432 pages Tuned to the most talked about currentChristian Theology / Ethicsissues of sexuality Kregel AcademicRights: WorldJune 30, 2020 Definitive theological and biblical per-spectives handled with compassion and Vindicating the Vixens Sexual Intimacy in Marriage understanding ISBN 978-0-8254-4624-5978-0-8254-4413-5$22.99 978-0-8254-2437-3$17.999 780825 446245www.kregel.com 21'