• Coming to Faith Through Dawkins

    Coming to Faith Through Dawkins
    Product Information

    Price: $21.99

    ISBN: 9780825448225

    Edition: August 29, 2023

    Pages: 272

    Publication date: August 29, 2023

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Kregel Publications

    Category: Apologetics and Evangelism

    Click to View Pricing

    Coming to Faith Through Dawkins

    12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity

    Richard Dawkins = Christian evangelist?

    Editors Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath gather other intelligent minds from around the world to share their startling commonality: Richard Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists were instrumental in their conversions to Christianity.

    Despite a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, all are united in the fact that they were first enthusiasts for the claims and writings of the New Atheists. But each became disillusioned by the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins, causing them to look deeper and with more objectivity at religious faith. The fallacies of Christianity Dawkins warns of simply don't exist.

    Spending time in this fascinating and powerful book is like being invited to the most interesting dinner party you've ever attended. Listen as twelve men and women from five different countries across a variety of professions--philosophers, artists, historians, engineers, scientists, and more--explain their journeys from atheism to faith. In the end, you may come away having reached the same conclusion: authentic Christian faith is in fact more intellectually convincing and rational than New Atheism.

    "Lucid as well as exhilarating and wide-ranging."
    --Rupert Shortt, Von Hügel Institute, University of Cambridge, and author of God Is No Thing

    "Many people, including nonbelievers like me, have found Dawkins's strident atheism upsetting to the point of offensive. I would never have thought that--as Coming to Faith Through Dawkins shows in wonderful detail--for some, Dawkins's rantings were the spur to Christian faith."
    --Michael Ruse, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, University of Guelph, Ontario

    "This is a novel book: real-life stories of people who have actually come to faith, not in spite of but through Richard Dawkins. It must be his own worst nightmare!"
    --William Lane Craig, Houston Christian University

    Author: Alister McGrath

    Alister McGrath is a former atheist who studied natural sciences at Oxford before switching to theology. He served as the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University from 2014 to 2022. McGrath is the author of the international bestseller The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine.

    Denis Alexander
    Denis Alexander was previously the Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and is Emeritus Fellow of St. Edmund's College, Cambridge. He was also previously Chair of the Molecular Immunology Programme for many years at The Babraham Institute, Cambridge.