b'A Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible Companion JournalElizabeth GeorgeCompanion journal for the best-sellingA Woman After Gods Own Heart BibleW omeneverywhereloveElizabethGeorgesA Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible, designed justforthem!Nowinthisbeautiful,full-color companion journal, they can take the rich wisdom found in the Bible and apply it more directly to their own lives.Featuring 365 entries, each day includes the page number that corresponds to the devotional in the Bible, and offers the Scripture passage for those who want to reach their goal of reading the entire Bible in one year. With space to write new thoughts on the devotion of the day and to include a personal prayer, this compan-ion journal offers a deeper connection to each passage and a fuller understanding of the Word. The journal also includes a spot to write a note of gratitude each day, and then offers Elizabeths own Thought of the Day.Its perfect for women who want to grow in their faithand all with Elizabeths wisdom to draw them closer to God every day!R Q S T POINTS UNIQUE SELLING POINTSUENLIATUEEDEILTLLIENSGR ecord yis poeurr rsoensapl joonusersn, aalcintg wion porlaknbsooek assos yns fou romJOURNALING WORKBOOKAn attractive, durable journal to978-0-8254-4788-4$14.99, and insights progin treshs through Comparison Girl: Lure-Up World. Jehsius ws oon Mrkboeo-Fk irene Lcluivdiens og ipn a Mportuenaitsies to: help personalize application of theSpiral Bound5.75 x 8.25368 pagesTapropcleicsas ationnd r quesepstoiond tnsP J o each lesons Bible study and h ries heart-truths gleaned from the Bible itRELIGION / Christian Living /Record each lesons meditation and Bible versevideo teaching ses al rhee Bactiibole pns tao tsagoeus cghotv-eprreod ivon ekinachJOURNALING WORKBOOK oauke nrnal yoteos aur pnd mersoanrik ton Tg stoEComparisons of Jesusc n sion questions accompanies Devotional Journal ognatgeem apdldatie vtioanarilo oubs qseruvoatteiso, vn, esrtsueds, ay, and rnd eddi-slceuterLessons from Jesus Kregel PublicationsRights: Worldon Me-Free LivingA convenient way to develop a habit of RELIGION / Christian Ministry /in a Measure-Up World October 11, 20229 ISBN 978-0-8254-4703-Adult7 78082547037 PKIN O P SHANNON POPKIN seeking Gods heart dailyThe Beautiful Wife BookComparison Girl Author has written over sixty-five and Prayer Journal Journaling Workbook books and has been in ministry for 978-0-8254-4248-3$23.99 978-0-8254-4703-7$12.99 nearly forty years14 www.kregel.com'