Price: $27.99
ISBN: 9780825423901
Edition: August 17, 2006
Pages: 304
Carton quantity: 18
Publication date: August 17, 2006
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Kregel Academic
Category: Biblical Languages
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Grammar, Exegesis, and Commentary on Jonah and Ruth
Designed to engage the Hebrew text and reinforce patterns and principles of grammar and syntax learned in beginning Hebrew, A Workbook for Intermediate Hebrew is the first of its kind. Both instructors and intermediate students will appreciate its step-by-step, interactive approach to the books of Jonah and Ruth.
Features include:
"After studying the Hebrew text of Jonah and Ruth with the aid of this workbook, students will be much further down the path of being competent readers and interpreters of the Hebrew Bible."
Mark D. Futato
Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean,
Reformed Theological Seminary
Author, Beginning Biblical Hebrew
"A much-needed tool for the study of morphology, grammar and syntax in biblical exegesis, this workbook is a welcome addition for teaching intermediate Hebrew. It is also a great resource for any who wish to review Hebrew grammar and syntax on their own as they study the texts of Jonah and Ruth."
Allen P. Ross
Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School
Author, Introducing Biblical Hebrew
"This book provides the perfect next step, showing students how to use their skills in very practical ways, and referring them to further literature, should they desire to dig deeper."
David M. Howard Jr.
Dean, Center for Biblical and Theological Foundations
Professor of Old Testament, Bethel Seminary
"This marvelous tool will help Hebrew students make the difficult transition from Hebrew grammar to Hebrew exegesis."
Michael A. Grisanti
Associate Professor of Old Testament,
The Masters Seminary
"With a nice balance between assignments and comments about forms and structure, this workbook guides the student step-by-step. The student who completes the exercises will be better equipped to confront a Hebrew text and interpret it properly."
Thomas J. Finley
Professor and Chair of Old Testament and Semitics,
Talbot School of Theology
Coauthor, How Biblical Languages Work
"This interactive workbook is a fantastic tool provided by a long time teacher of Hebrew who knows what needs to be done, knows how to do it, and does it in an interesting way."
Richard E. Averbeck
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages,
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School