• Ephesians

    Product Information

    Price: $14.99

    ISBN: 9780825442452

    Edition: January 23, 2024

    Pages: 160

    Dimensions: 5.25 x 8 (inch.)

    Publication date: January 23, 2024

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Kregel Classics

    Category: Bible Commentaries

    Click to View Pricing


    God's Plan for a Thriving Church

    This volume is a verse-by-verse and section-by-section exposition of the pivotal epistle from the apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus. Chafer focuses on how this letter is a revelation of God's plan in and for the church. He further points out its close relationship to other Pauline letters.

    In a concept developed nowhere else in the New Testament, Paul, in Ephesians, speaks of "the heavenly places" as the realm of redemption. Chafer reveals it is with this theology that Paul offers practical exhortations to Christians in their daily lives.
    Author: Lewis Sperry Chafer
    Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952), American Presbyterian clergyman and educator, was born in Rock Creek, Ohio; studied at New Lyme Academy and Oberlin Conservatory and College, both in Ohio; studied under C. I. Scoffield; and was ordained in 1900. In 1924, he founded the Evangelical Theological College (now Dallas Theological Seminary) and was its president and professor of systematic theology until his death. His many other works include Satan, True Evangelism, Grace, Major Bible Themes, and the eight-volume Systematic Theology.