• Exploring Revelation

    Exploring Revelation
    Product Information

    Price: $28.99

    ISBN: 9780825434914

    Edition: September 21, 2001

    Pages: 272

    Carton quantity: 32

    Publication date: September 21, 2001

    Format: Hardback

    Imprint: Kregel Ministry

    Category: Bible Commentaries

    Series: The John Phillips Commentary Series

    Click to View Pricing

    Exploring Revelation

    An Expository Commentary

    "John Phillips writes with enthusiasm and clarity, . . . cutting through the confusion and heretical dangers associated with Bible interpretation." —Moody Magazine
    Author: John Phillips
    John Phillips (1927-2010) served as assistant director of the Moody Correspondence School as well as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School, one of the world's largest Bible correspondence ministries. He also taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network. For more information about his life and ministry, go to drjohnphillips.com.