b'Trinity Without HierarchyReclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical TheologyMichael F. Bird and Scott Harrower, editorsA defense of equality among the persons of the TrinityI n response to complementarian theologians who assert that the Son is eternally subordinate to the Father, the contributors to Trinity Without Hierarchy contend that this view misconstrues theorthodoxdoctrineoftheTrinityandreducestheSonto a lower level of glory and majesty than the Father. Surveying Scripture,churchhistory,andtheology,sixteencontributors presentadefenseofthefullandequalauthorityofallthree members of the Trinity while critiquing approaches that border on semi-Arianism. In particular, the creedal confessions of Nicaea areupheldasthehistoricalstandardbywhichanyproposed Trinitarian doctrine should be judged.While some contributors hold complementarian and others egalitarian viewpoints, all agree that Trinitarian relations are not a proper basis for understanding gender roles. Trinity Without Hierarchy is indispensable reading for anyone interested in the current debate over the relationship between Trinitarian theology and the roles of men and women.Michael F. Bird is academic dean and lecturer in theology at RidleyCollegeinMelbourne,Australia,andvisitingresearch professor at Houston Baptist University. He is also an Anglican priest and blogs at patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/.ScottHarrowerislecturerinChristianthoughtatRidley College in Melbourne, Australia. His other publications include Trinitarian Self and Salvation.RELATED TITLESUNIQUE SELLING POINTSEngaging responses to an 978-0-8254-4462-3$25.99ongoing debate Paperback6 x 9344 pages Diverse group of contributors Christian Theology / SystematicKregel AcademicRights: World Editor Michael Bird is a popular blogger April 30, 2019Whos Tampering withReordering the Trinity ISBN 978-0-8254-4462-3the Trinity? 978-0-8254-4378-7$24.99978-0-8254-2589-9$21.99 9 780825 444623www.kregel.com 19'