Praying Personalities
Finding Your Natural Prayer Style
Product Information
ISBN: 9780825448188
Edition: February 13, 2024
Pages: 256
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 (inch.)
Publication date: February 13, 2024
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Kregel Publications
Christian Living and Devotionals
Praying Personalities
Finding Your Natural Prayer Style
Discover the particular way God designed you to connect with Him through prayer
You should pray in the morning. You should write out your prayers. You should make prayer lists and pray through them every day. You should pray with others or out loud. We've all heard the "you shoulds" of prayer from pulpits, presenters, and well-meaning friends. But when none of these ways to pray feel natural, what's next?
Janet Holm McHenry has studied prayer extensively, and the one thing she knows for sure is that there's no one-size-fits-all way to pray. Instead, there are different styles of prayer--and by discovering the style most instinctive to each individual personality, staying in touch with God throughout the day becomes simple and all the more joyful.
In this book, the author helps readers determine their particular praying personality by examining the praying styles of biblical people, spiritual gifts, and various ideas about personality, including the classic temperaments, the Enneagram, and more. McHenry includes scores of bulleted suggestions for developing a praying lifestyle that works for individuals. She has also created a Praying Personality Quiz for readers (available in the book and online) to help narrow down the style that will most naturally fit into how they process a prayer life.
Whether a longtime Christian who has tried various prayer strategies but can't keep up or a new believer looking to learn about this spiritual discipline, every reader who dives into this book will come away with a renewed prayer life and a greater understanding of who God created them to be.
Janet Holm McHenry is a national speaker and author of more than twenty-five books, including the best-selling PrayerWalk and The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus. She is a member of the leadership team of the California National Day of Prayer, the director of prayer ministries at The Bridge Church in Reno, Nevada, and the creator of Prayer School, an online teachable course. Janet lives in small-town California. Learn more about Janet and her ministries at
Geoff Eckart lives in Grand Rapids, MI with his wife Arianna and together they have 3 daughters. He is the Lead Pastor of Daybreak church, founder and CEO of Never The Same, a national youth ministry organization, and the Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force and the National Prayer Committee. Geoff has ministered across the world to audiences of all ages. He has a Bachelors degree in ministry from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and is ordained in the Wesleyan Church.