• Getting Closer to God

    Getting Closer to God
    Product Information

    Price: $18.99

    ISBN: 9780825441950

    Edition: October 07, 2011

    Pages: 208

    Carton quantity: 68

    Publication date: October 07, 2011

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Kregel Publications

    Category: Christian Living and Devotionals

    Click to View Pricing

    Getting Closer to God

    Lessons from the Life of Moses

    No person on earth has ever enjoyed the intimacy Moses had with God. No one spent more time with God; no one understood Him better. Moses lived during one of the darkest times of Hebrew history and yet his life is a remarkable example of intimacy with the Almighty. How did Moses grow closer to God even in such dark times? What can Christians learn from Moses about growing closer to God today?

    Through the life of Moses, arguably one of the greatest leaders in history, popular pastor and best-selling author Erwin W. Lutzer leads readers on a journey to becoming better acquainted with the Lord. After suggested Bible readings at the beginning of each chapter, Lutzer expounds on the biblical text to demonstrate key lessons in pursuing intimacy with God. Lutzer shows how Moses learned to overcome doubt after hearing God's call, how Moses learned to obey God at the burning bush, how Moses came to trust God while wandering in the wilderness, and how Moses obeyed God in leading the nation of Israel. Through these lessons, Lutzer helps believers expose the excuses and idols that come between them and God so that they may be motivated to pursue Him and to "draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:22 NIV).

    Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
    Erwin W. Lutzer (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, Loyola University; LLD, Simon Greenleaf School of Law) is senior pastor of the historic Moody Church in Chicago, as well as a popular conference and radio speaker. His many books include The Doctrines That Divide, How You Can Be Sure That You Will Spend an Eternity with God, and One Minute After You Die.