• Mission With

    Mission With
    Product Information

    Price: $16.99

    ISBN: 9781909728608

    Edition: April 27, 2017

    Pages: 192

    Publication date: April 27, 2017

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Instant Apostle

    Category: Ministry

    Click to View Pricing

    Mission With

    Something Out of the Ordinary

    Paul Keeble shares his story of living long term in a deprived inner-city community as a resident and neighbor who is a follower of Jesus. He explores the concept of "mission with"--an incarnational model that takes mission beyond events and projects and into everyday life.
    Author: Paul Keeble
    Paul Keeble is a first-time author. Paul came to Manchester from Northern Ireland in 1978 for a year – and stayed. One-time bass guitarist in several bands, he now works with the charity Urban Presence on various church and community projects, networks and initiatives.

    He and his wife Judith have lived and raised a family of three in a Manchester inner-city neighbourhood for nearly 35 years. Their story and the calling and theology behind it is told in Mission With, a book that has been described as ‘timely, authentic, powerful and important’.