Price: $14.99
ISBN: 9780825428838
Edition: December 14, 2007
Pages: 144
Carton quantity: 80
Publication date: December 14, 2007
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Kregel Ministry
Category: Ministry
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Attention-Getting Quotes for Church Signs, Bulletins, Newsletters, and Sermons
People can get daily truth injections through a very inexpensive yet effective method: the church sign. In this age of short attention spans and slogan-lovers, it is important that churches effectively communicate the gospel in sound bites. Each quote some from Scripture, some from contemporary thought, and some from the sages of life, encapsulating an entire sermon in just a sentence, giving people an idea that is profound yet simple. Indexed by topic and Scripture references, it also includes practical advice on how to effectively use your church sign.