• The Traitor's Heir

    The Traitor's Heir
    Product Information

    Price: $15.99

    ISBN: 9781782640752

    Edition: June 11, 2014

    Pages: 544

    Publication date: June 11, 2014

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Lion Fiction

    Category: Fiction

    Series: The Knight of Eldaran

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    The Traitor's Heir

    Book #1

    Every man has a destiny. His is to betray.

    Like many from his village, young Eamon Goodhand dreamed of joining the Gauntlet, the army of the overlord Eldered. Now he is about to complete his training and swear his loyalty to Eldered and his commanders, the Hands, who uphold ElderedÂ’s tight control of the land.

    Entering into the service of the Gauntlet, EamonÂ’s gifts, particularly his potent Sight, quickly become valuable to his superiors and he advances to the command rank at a speed that arouses the suspicions of fellow officers.

    However, ElderedÂ’s bloody rule, and EamonÂ’s personal friendships, start to challenge the young soldierÂ’s assumptions about what might be true, and worthy of service. And soon Eamon must conceal a fatal secret: he is sworn to both Eldered and to Hughan, the rightful king of the land. Yet he may not forswear the vows he has uttered in all good faith so however he serves, his name will be traitor.

    As tensions and military skirmishes increase, Eamon finds himself trusted by both his masters. How can he possibly maintain his integrity, act justly to his fellow officers of the Gauntlet, and act on behalf of all the warring people of the land?

    Third in series, The Broken Blade, is coming soon.

    Author: Anna Thayer
    Anna Thayer graduated from Cambridge with first class honors in 2005 and, bilingual in English and Italian, went on to teach in Sicily. She now writes and lectures internationally on the works of Tolkien and Lewis, and teaches English at an independent school in southern England.