Price: $19.99
ISBN: 9781909728288
Edition: November 27, 2015
Pages: 302
Publication date: November 27, 2015
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Instant Apostle
Category: Christian Living and Devotionals
Series: Magnetic Adventures
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Leadership that Releases Our Potential
Creative call to church leaders to release the potential in their congregations, investigating the experiences of churches who have explored person-centered approaches, and sharing the tools and advice needed to make theory reality.
What would it look like if everyone in church was empowered to follow their own God-given passions rather than the visions of others? Imagine the excitement and transformation that could follow each person discovering their calling and being actively freed to follow it!
This is the vision of Church Uncorked, a colorful and challenging book that inspires leaders to release their congregations to realize their potentials--in the church, in the office, in the home and in the community. Practical input from the worlds of professional development and personal coaching give leaders the tools to make this enticing vision a reality.