Messiah's Coming Temple, Updated Edition
Ezekiel's Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple
Product Information
ISBN: 9780825443268
Edition: February 01, 2014
Pages: 248
Carton quantity: 56
Publication date: February 01, 2014
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Kregel Publications
Biblical Studies
Messiah's Coming Temple, Updated Edition
Ezekiel's Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple
One of the Old Testament's most enigmatic prophecies is Ezekiel's vision of a new, restored temple in Jerusalem. What would a restored temple be like? How would it operate? And when might it be built? These and many other intriguing questions are addressed in this newly updated and expanded work based on extensive research and discussions with leading Jewish leaders and rabbis in the United States and Israel. Messiah's Coming Temple provides a thorough vision of this future center of worship during the coming messianic kingdom. Along with biblical interpretation of the key prophecies of Ezekiel regarding Messiah's coming temple, the work includes photos and descriptions based on a unique and detailed model of the future temple constructed by author John Schmitt.
John W. Schmitt is executive director of Future Hope Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping people explore the future and how it relates to them. He is an internationally recognized authority on the biblical temple. A frequent traveler to Israel, John has friendships within Israel's planners for the future temple. He has appeared on many television and radio shows and is a conference speaker throughout the United States, Europe, and Israel, where his lectures have helped the Bible come alive. His ministry’s web page can be found at