• Being Church, Doing Life

    Being Church, Doing Life
    Product Information

    Price: $18.99

    ISBN: 9780857214935

    Edition: July 29, 2014

    Pages: 352

    Publication date: July 29, 2014

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Monarch Books

    Category: Ministry

    Click to View Pricing

    Being Church, Doing Life

    Creating Gospel Communities Where Life Happens

    Church is now a fluid concept, no longer identifiable by buildings and congregations on Sunday mornings. There is an increasing interest in new forms of church that address the different ways to meet the needs of specific neighborhoods and people groups.

    In the UK, these new forms of church have been pioneered by the national Fresh Expressions movement, a remarkable initiative that has attracted widespread attention around the world. Author Michael Moynagh gathers his experience as a member of Fresh Expressions and distills it into practical and comprehensive advice on how to start and grow new churches—however small—in every context of life.

    Based on the work in his seminal textbook Church for Every Context (SCM), this inspiring introduction to contextual church emphasizes practical aspects, telling many of the great stories that have emerged through practitioners. It will enthuse and help church leaders and individuals to start and develop these communities, and advise them on how to help them grow to maturity and become sustainable.

    Author: Michael Moynagh

    Dr. Michael Moynagh is an Anglican priest and coordinator of The Tomorrow Project, which advises governments and businesses on future trends. He is a member of the national Fresh Expressions Team and author of several books including Changing World, Changing Church; emergingchurch.intro; and Church for Every Context.