b'ETHICSCHRISTIANITY AND MODERN MEDICINEMARK WESLEY FOREMAN AND LINDSAY C. LEONARD Foundations for BioethicsRaises and considers issues common to medical professionals in order to cut through the moral fog in medical scienceChristianityandModernMedicineraisesmoralquestionsthatwere merely hypothetical just decades ago. Moreover, traditional moral mod-els are being challenged incessantly by the medical community at large, shifting the conversation to patient and societal rights within a frame-workofmoralrelativismandrenderingthedecision-makingprocess morally vague and confusing.In Christianity and Modern Medicine, bioethicist Mark Wesley Foreman and attorney Lindsay C. Leonard delve into the major ethical issues fac-ing todays medical professionals with the purpose of providing princi-ples and guidelines for making critical ethical decisions where medical knowledge, technologies, and capabilities are constantly evolving. Topics covered include:procreational ethics genetic ethicsabortion medical researchinfanticide clinical ethicseuthanasia legal issuesphysician-assisted suicide and moreWhile Christianity and Modern Medicine is designed especially for stu-dents planning careers in the medical field, it is accessible to any Christian interested in steering more clearly through the moral fog in the practice of medicine today. CONTENTS Mark Wesley Foreman (PhD, University of Virginia) has been teaching 1.Modern Medicine in a Moral Fog2.A Foundation: Principles of Bioethics bioethics at Liberty University for almost thirty years. He has a doctorate 3.The Second Civil War: Abortion in which he concentrated on bioethics, studying under James F. Childress, 4.From Cradle to Coffin: Infanticide who is recognized as one of the fathers of the modern bioethics movement 5.A Good Death: Euthanasia in this country.6.Death with Dignity: Physician-Assisted Suicide7.Eighteen Ways to Make a Baby: Procreational Ethics Lindsay C. Leonard serves as Assistant Attorney General for the Com-8.Made Not Begotten: Genetic Ethics monwealth of Virginia and is adjunct instructor for the online bioethics 9.Principled Patient Treatment: Clinical Ethics10.For the Good of Mankind: Research Ethics andcourse for Liberty University.Human ExperimentationRelated TitlesFoundations of Christian Thought978-0-8254-2434-2$19.99Limitations of Scientific Truth978-0-8254-2253-9$18.99978-0-8254-4756-3$29.99Paperback6 x 9400 pagesChristian Theology / Ethics KREGELKregel AcademicRights: World A C A D E M I CApril 26, 20224kregel.com/academic'