b'HOMILETICSKKEKERREURUXUX CX CO COMOMMMMEMENENTNTAATRARYRY SY SE ESRERIEEESRISI SKKK ry eruexru cexor mucoxmm ceomnmteamnrtieaenrsit easnr iaeebnsla eb npalea bspalteo srpatso arsstno adrn st deaa ntcedha ecterhase ctrhos e turonsudtone rdusentradsnetadrns atdan naddn e dffea neffecdt eicvffeteilvycet pliyvr eplsryee npster enthste etn hmte t amhienamimna emisnse amsgseae sgisnea iegnve e eirnvye e rbvyieb brliyibc baliilc btalelix cttae.lxEte.v xEetrv.ye E rvye volvuomlvueom liuse m wiser wi itstr eiwtntr ebintytebanyn a benyx paenxerp ete xirnpt e ibrnitbbilnibc baliilc bealxli ceeagxlee esgixeses agisne sadin sa dan na ednx paenxerp eieexrnpiceeenrdice ehndoc hmedoi mlheotilimectiiailcneita incni aipannparitnnr paetrnsrehtrnisphe.ri Thesph. iThep r. eThe sruels tur ielstsuais lc tao i msc oamm ceomnmteamnrtyea nrttyha atrthy a tthat is fios fcuois fsceuod osceud on bsed on bibln bibcaliil icbalnl iicsiangl ishitngs fhsitgos fhr btos fr bibolir bbcaliil tcbalel tiaccaehl taicngehaicng, whi, wngith ci, wth coimtoh cmmuomnmuicmnaiutcinaotin scioan stiroatn streagtieregas aties agnid iens ad illunlsd iltursaltlturiaostniros tantihs toant ahs tat arhe part ae powroe pewrfeourwl afuernl afd eunl ad engnngad egianggiang.gi.ng.EaEcha cEvhoa lvcuohml vueom liuse m disie vd iidsv edidiv eiidnd tieond td oiin sdtoisn tdciitns pctitrn epcartce pharicngehaicng shei gngsmeg esmnegtesmn, tiesnn, itwns,hwiinchh wi cthhi etc hhaeu t tahhueot ahruso trghsuo girduse ig dtuehi etd hree t arhdeeea rde etahrd rteohrur toghuhrg oahu w gae hwl la-e tlwel-settelels-dt esdset qseuedqe snueceqenu:c eeenx: ceee-x:e e-xe-getgiectagilc eatnli caanllya aslinysas, iltsyh,s etiohs,le otoghlioecogaliloc fagolic cfuaolsc ,fu oascn, uadsn t,d eaa ntcedha itcngehaicng shtri ngsattre asgtyer.ga Btye.a gBsyea.d sB eoadns o etndh eot hnte tx thte-exd tre-idxvrte-indv erBniiv gBe nIidg B eIaidg ep Iard epearace pharicnehagicn mhgio mndgoe mld, eKold,e Kreule, xrKu eexnr uehnaxhn eacnenhsca etnhsc ete hrse t arhdeeea rrdesea rdse rs abialbitiy talibto dy tilito dy telio dveelir a mveelr a miveer a msseasgse teasgse thaagt ihe tas bt ihas bibt ilis bbcaliilcb, callio, cchaoel, cshievosehi, aveesn, aivd den, ad dynnd dyanmayimcn.aicm. ic.EXEEXEGEXGEETEGITECITCAIALC LA LTHTHETOEHOLEOLOOGLGOICIGACIALC LA LPRPERPAERACECHAHICNIHNGIG/N /G / AANNAALNYLASYLISYSI SSI S FOCOCTETAETACECHAHICNIHNGIG N GFOCUFUS S USSTSRTSRATTARETAGETGYE YG Y IntroduIcntiroond tuoc tIhniotenr Wo tdoius tdchtoeimo Wn Pitsosda tlomhmesWPsiasldmosmPsalmsIntroduIcntiroond tuoc tIthinoetnr Wo tdoius tdchtoeimo Wn Pitsosda tlomhmesWPsiasldmosmPsalms -fnolriThke,eeurtenhfleoi kreCe ,a tnuhanetar tloyn iC k ihewtaiaef n ovsteta,rh har eytenth oi irtCei ef w aGsHnt,o hoaertedra-hi ynre i tiGefH soet, dh-t ehireGHoed- ProverbPs r(oHvebrbresw P(H;r ocevfb.er NrebwIsV ;( )Hcfe. bNrIeVw); cf. NIV)Amen-eAmm-oepne- e(mEAg-yompteina (-nEe;gm 1y2p-ot0pi0aen (1;E 01g20y0p0 tBia.1Cn0.;) 0102 0B0.C1.)000 B.C.) tel u23:4 23:4Do not2 r3uD:i4no ynout rsueilDnf soyeo neukoristn ergluf irnsiec yheokeuisnrsge rlifc sheeskingC rhic.h 7e;s linCehs . 7;W linoerksC ohn. Wl7y; o floirnkr e nosen clyeW sfsoiotr irneks eocnelsys iftoiers necessities ecrmtio nR ltoeecfrv tmepiols anatRl omoreltyfvese ce pr (tmlsniaisaoto olntamr R pbyosep efvl(cienipeaslsodau atta slo tpemborp ey tslachi e a(endicuyse ostraeatot l pab otpiahnen lecei ceya ceda uorar sltlet-aeoo in nthae Thbecacroyeere lerw-ar tleasof inonThbder rie cedea,owrrlenedsli o nbdtg ebwi d hrtro oaeunmwvleiodsno tgrt bdo rhetio dao rwwvm ue,on lo iriofnr rhgo itswo r,m eiifo ghrnri som wrieg,i ghifnt h mrevelatiroenv,e wlahtiocnrhe, ivwse halanitcoihot nhis,e rwa ntheoirctmh e iarsp taepnrloimctah baeplrep tleiocr amb lwaep otpuol lidca wbeloe ru tulo is irgehigt n might 1314 1314 1314 ashamed. . . andallm Scmruipcanoltlium cSraemct,ri oiubpnut aciu(tclo)blra m yebSt, iwm ecobcrnhauuip a wdGoso,m dw, sia slndad tho ev e)I h-aetd iaiinbtvnshv iesrnoe)eecnlo wio oe dce orbtmyu prane etcidot ombr pyg eoat idtc,o rlme gpveidnti,g tlo era vgiondg, leaving 25:21225:2Fe1ed2 2yo2u5Fre: 2e1nde y2mo2yu ra nFeende Gdm oydo au wnr diel lnG reomwdy aw radinl lyd ro eGuwoadr dw2 yi:l5ol urewar2d:5 youFeed 2fo:5oFlse uednt ifol othles Fyue naetrdiel ftouholelyl s. a.u r.ne at ifnlu dtlhl e. y. .a aren dfu l co u v i votilhnveyev veoe tdrbtieuv ironnveeo der a tv aoashamedashamed lated tol aGteodd tso l aGlawotsed,d sw tlioas tt)su cebr eth,cabeuyu tie)n s o beeclvyaeae ua itasndtentg ivemsssa rtem -t ) hart shishe ri pew-perrst bt ubhoheyrinepn ph(tbieyva wetri ho mant ee(abvnye rw) am thh c eorer oswhni optnpee rwsn diordnoen t(ght ese iwd loerioss (tnitw hnhigehnges o gli odoissedin (itwnghheo l oissi ningn w mste,s, a wcnihsdidn o.r h w, hanni ndg stie.d aI nsfgi dst.he I)eno cfo sntihfldeiec )tcoanf fltrhdi cethhgce oa ngofl dt ich twe h ahgnood dthe Wistdhoem W Pisdatolhmes W,P tshiasedlmroesm i,s t Phas ewarleims idso ,a mt hw ecirsheda oirsam ca - cwhiascrdhaoacmr-g ceh.c ahWrarchg-aet. c gtmainmra mProverbPs r(oHvebrbresw P(Hr; ocevfbe. rNebwIsV ;( )cHfe. bNrIeVw); cf. NIV) Ahiqar (Ahsisqyarira (nA;A seshiyigrqhiatrhn ;(c Aesingstyhurtihray nc Be; .enCitg.u)hryth B c.Cen.)tury B.C.) a thai hdsbrraeusnt anGl l Waftoe t h re aotnhdseorw rp fnmih-os ra op tdertvehoerpern -mis opdroerpn- W e e ssh ntisvh sr w ee fir mhoshsi ants tehs aep tatvcirutlaelr seteh .i es cstaislle .t he case. irsi . ea tethhvna eodtaarubtd broiwseseu hlnttiihsa ea Gttavseutetoirdlel stiterrei sctoicn taitenrrea i wsscttheoicdin c.ith nratS ea rtworeshitm ehsect dieiocrc. ihngpSi thnstroahta emwlsemot eheurs idis gcp. ch saaSa tntlelolhdmoeme duts eh srT eicgap oanhwslrltadaeielc hdmotkh uesoTeds ro cwaranailchlrodeke sdetaioht driTeoe ornwr oaraaiesclhn aikadtdebio oedbrorneu alatilor ne Geadvsabieopetto idsroGo tm cIcse-rtain Is-didacticd idoac tnico td dicodo anctotaitci n c dotohn itsna ionwt iscthdoionsm taw inifse datthoumisr e w.f eiastdBuourmet . GfeoBadtuust r peG.r omdBsiu s od iIsse rspa retolo m aInsisrdea sec let roatn aIdisnr aIesrl- tanind osnlGodsoora ln in wGssto rodurcs t iliaoswntsuocrti orinnenvste raoulrec tnrdie ovnwei usalml l,oe 6:15 6:15fDroom w6 ah:1 adtefD 5riboso tm n qwe ucahi eacdskte slibaysDfrt ryn oqo emt ucowiecafhsrk easdlaytee r ibystontuqoe urcfsriecslekfsl ayyroyu trose 91flrf:3e le0i ny3eo4su r91se3: l034fi nePsa y b9a:c lkinP ae syl o baanc ka sa Ps loaoyoa nbn acs k ps oa oslsoniba anlse apso sosiobnl eas possible W tWh rim m o eurls i toefs r faoercleui tsne so tar arnee lcinteoessts anareielcy e nstoshate r nisleyac methsees a fosrairlm yt hete h feo rs atmhneld f thael13034 onh Gatod heya wadt sothhWeyav heda oti s t hhsaoevnmyeedir so mshoaanmveese soasfno foeecr s frad fn roriwnenacv iscleitrl-oi,ia tsmluetitdmCiaino nwuhsnsnrti.iail itslH-,u t itocaiwohniCnus hso.ar rtnHcli ithseuotcirtwhaeiaou nanonrsddnc.ashe lHm srooceaawmhannud dyeosrnt cmeshixnoatrdmsneai ayvneidn id td se itu xnhmsatdeoslaim nviniyedtutheaiex ts in the iovriduthroughth greonuegrha lgt cherneoeaurtagiolh nc g roenra tesiproaenlc coifirec sa cptioeocmnifi mocru c snopim-ecmifiCucnh19:1 catuimona.n cYh aettuotim o anhla.len p vth s.p vY asln ahailn ca efhle o s1 3:248; cf11. 39::1284I; fc yf.o u11 39s::p21aI84fr e;y cotfhu. es proadrIe,f ythoeu r hsopadat,er y eyo otuhu ehr acrothedi l,yd oyouur 6chh: ailtliend ey o8u16r: clhinieldS 8pa1re6 :t hlienS epro a8dr1e, stphoe irlSo tphda,er s ecp htohileld trhoed c, hspilodil the child h Yesaatut lamol fs t lofiaemsto gt o hreP s caoalftm egso Pdrsyea gplomefn sd Pe sopaneltmn spdrs ed soeunpp epnobdesse udop ntp hegoepe, s robiegnlsedoo,luigitntepihhgcvpeaa eotil,s nleog, dgot iihtcnhaagtle oinlo, gtihcaatla c e aalel tmi nptlsle total ricyna ttoef cg on imh lnecaaonm etnmo uhceomcvamtnioun n,ic ctamhri monuu,gn htih tartociyuoognmh,mthirctmooumenmht sit. dmcSoeomnmme.sitbSmeolmeienevt res,. seSgloieminv20:20 20:20oThuot ls2iek0 ew: 2ahoT0 ohuli otgc hlsuietkr sewe ah p olaoTi grchuehuotn trlstsieske ew p aihal lorl eib gncehut stsr nsweui fplf eabdre n stns9u w:f flieilndl e b e1 3s9n7: ulifnfetdT h1 he3eir 7g9 po:a dlrisenTt hcnehe ute1sirr s3g epo7 adtrhseo ncsTtuehshre sweier hgtpohad odrseso ecn nutwsorshte oh todhnoo snero wt ho ndor not honorgohriicehsoGgwfo ohtrdihice ehas rlsoGiogfg owh trodthhe r eivwiace elrhassaiyogloG sh o froht re t diwvhTme eaoa syrlrles asioolgh fh ,hrr i(wtTeGm wvoiotserahedaayl hlfss s,o ur(hwrbGe icivTmotaehodtslr aeeassl uhfr,be(wcvwwGaeihotalaheyad, t sseeu vrvbwweeecvranhae yat li,eaist f-e- e vtsvrepeurwwinreiahi tisyaffu ,o t atsererlp v vuIireeersarnir t tafh uioeiseaf lr r l t s irIprstsuha irrtetaahir netufeul oer alr i ilt st ieh Inrsta arntslauh,o e eelmlfi ro ti eienrtsrh atsalro,n umf eolie rtienr aslo, mfoer wtory spotokreyn s Wpooktroednr)y. W spoorkde).nWord).t26:2 26:2A mi2ss6p:2oAk emni swspoordk Aesnpn eam vwrerisoors rwprdeosnktse,vn lei wkr ero earsd ts n, elivker 7 ar;e lsintse, l9ik87e; ali nerA e9 tw8uro7nr;sd l inrAse ea tw u 9bro8inrsd ,i sit aArfle b itweuisrro dnar,swd i tai sfly i ae nsb diar wdn,ea iyvt e flarin eds nawevaeyr and neverthoed cusparrow sparrowG sh Gdhreocead hlic.sn h gOudsrtGe hcawhoeli.rid n tschsgO h shtu dIhasrwevrecaearihlt esih.n lb hgOeIwseast vnehrwear ee etir tabls hue rw eeghsIhneatsrtv r eieatc at ehturble eagdestwhettrne ir ctetht aeaurdtegshttr icttheadt TESTAMENT TESTTION rres fcetnrldysidroeirrc ei THEIN OLD THETHREE MODES OF REVELA to y io27:3 27:3A foo2l7s: 3aAn gfoeor lis haenaAgve firoe iros lt hhsa eannv sgieteorn tiehs ahoner asvtoienre 8t ho;r a lnin set o1n18e1; olirn eN 1o1th18in; lgi nN(eov 1eth1ni1 nag l o(eaNvdeo noth fa is nalogn ad(devooer fn s alnt )lo di aso dr osaf lst)a nisdor salt) isTHREE MODES OF REVELATION to TION tl rdan hsandsandsandheavier theanav dierb thahne adveibetr than debt INTHREE MODES OF REVELA its h r is tiotrs yh, iatsonto dir tyts,h aitns dtno ortthyt nlc,a eydttav l iytnerno redoo yc Ctr ttlhShieyncarv irdttesoi irptnr yitCeao ucnSthrt scrle.yirsv ipteoitra uynC rsheS.crirsiptitaunrse.IN THE OLDAMENTAMENTOLD TESTGODGOD GOD traen sdfoeThrtcfset rtreraabnlesf tei m e drteonr smr, e rbhwoeaead dh swoeiosrinr l lsnlh i, wv berweher heai aond otw n e lir iwlvsle, h bw iaenhtoon l iwveh iantTh sa dnin isdrafeoelc rcetstThiors a mtbraolend steofre nmr arobedlarinpeha dla ioesicmstrphihneraaesli wes mhilpeleisinllm t thobe earl nomonatgjh oteror gmaennaorjtoehr, e sgrue mcnhra eja,o ssr Pu grceahni sraes ,Psruacihse adsi fftrearnesnidti ffheirsetonrtdi chiffaisle trcoeornnicttedaaeh l lxNw sitcsohsTto ,otonhGra tiiebseco xoaNadltulTssatc,onoG tadthnhb oFtieosedauxN taHthnT seet,d-h r G a Fisboa odtHhu aeetn r-t dh Fisa tHheer- t In the OInT t heesp OecTInia eltlshyp,e e wOctaibysaTl.ud l ltaThoye bm,ms ipwle ilo,st yrot wh.anp elhThopoatof bo sesioi tsltuo lie,tnp py wo.iop dfthTho ossit et(ouie wsrpo ioinpLdcfopkatoem sds(oietw truvne ipe tLcro.ika dsfSeumdusec o(rvnhwiretg r.iphL scSstkuaeusemloc dmruhe ivgssn ) pro c nsniectr aminoe na iss PraisePSALMISTPSALMISTPSALMIST SEER/PROPHETSEER/PROPHETSEER/PROPHET of God. c daoot , aiwbs oinsudototmab ioesu lontn ogt batoeblo oauntog yIntroduction to the PsalterIntroduction to the Psalter these are not are these are not iden-Introduction to the Psalter Introduction to the Psalter Introduction to the Psalter these iden- iden- e tc.s oaSnlumtcashii n c poasn astleamrirnms a ointellecitnutael lbeuctu imanlt oeblrluaeltc sate mfu boisapooi letilr ,h r aisbwetnou udhfnato l loeis yspti hiarinictdaul aleylt lyhd iecafina-ldlyedtoherfiicy-a wllyot rodrey)fi ew-leomrtdeo)nr eytl , ewbmuorte dnin)t , e tbleurmmt eisn ot,ef brsmutrtusicontf ut serter mucs toufr es tructureR E S P O N S ER E S P O N S ER E S P O N S E bfr eJwes uGsboo rtfd heJ wewsChuGoshortboidhisfrs e waetJ l,weC shtso hohuG etsrihos iutshtn,e itq hCuehe ur Sinsotinq,utohefe SG uoondi qo. uf eG Soodn. Introduction to the Psalter (Dahood 1970, 3:361456),3:361456), notandandooohrewnisooterhra ep ni egtw rnsbiosouernta otphnirsse tpri itgsbwrhnoiuitenout rasalplnyit r htseruo sdu irsd)ga ohcrtt iedco i(udsae)cv teoilrcad-(ridevacltaicc-e (rrmevoenlaic-R E V E L R E A T I O NV E L A R E T I O NV E L A T I O N1970, 3:361456), ig(Dahood (Dahood 1970, communic were communicated incontrolled creationthat the sea is just water, not(those that exalt Yahweh [] as king in the past,Enthronement languages. Still, Ugaritic word andword usagefor (those that exalt Yahweh [] as king in the past,languages. Still,languages. Still, Ugariticfor controlled creationthat the sea is just water, notpresent, or(those that exalt Yahweh [] as king in the past,ticalUgaritic word usage usagesolutions cient. Hceiebnrte.w H wecbisredenowtm. wH ies bdfroeumwn diwsnifsoduto nomdn linys o ifnto uothneldynino tr h ofeno lrym oin r( tGfhoaert mteuTr ocne(haGrg et p) iaf omrotbentrseem.uerl onTen n gc(hp)Gge rbeatomosetfelteounaarn cnnegweog )tt obeera lmnocnloagtsh setiorfi-caotsie classifi- SAGE SAGE SAGE DoctrinalDoctrinalDoctrinalm psalms ayate l d inculture culturea god, and only their God is truly Lord. Psalms byfuture) future) were dubbed EnthronementGunkelgrammatical features offer possible(myth- pofsoae nwc e seih verseTh wa isypd soamlfm w s pisdaolms s is edorosfema ln awvrsder-o mih v sfiwerew were communicated incontrolled creationthat the sea is just water, notpresent, or were dubbed Enthronementticalticalfeatures features offer possible solutionsin Hebrew. age l of age anga age a god, and only their God is truly Lord. Psalmspresent, or future) were dubbed(e.g.,grammatical offer possible solutions forreligious redso-callesdo -Wcaislldeodsm Wo -Bcisaodloloekmds W(BJoisbod,k oPsm r(oJ ovBebor,o bPksr,so E (vcJeocrblbe,s -P, Eroccovcarel terpiob-ensr,.icEocToarcph tcipeeloeen-mrd.io ceieortoassap s rlen l opodtvetopo re umiercrsaipoa tlsokpnl osee pto a dvum oproeeparsako a leslnldmeoeapstiopumgwrsrn apai,slko dmdseeoe s.am ig gw.opn,irs,s a dldemoe.mg s.i,gwni,s doe.mg., i MANMAN MAN MANMAN preesoelnotgThp Girceoeasoldelyl noa, tsg tGihThcphoaarelev delsiyo nea, wlgnsot taggh hyGiraec av oacoilndilfoywga,uawsgsy trlihh ysaa decoivn iofoitnuegrs lvgyer nianectideo ruivnse lyn eindt einr vened in theologtheNew y. New gy.l Ne uylessonscultureof aa god, and only their God is truly Lord. some earlier scholars (e.g., Gunkel Gunkelsome remainingsome remaining obscurities y. ologlessons lessonsangu of u by some byscholars scholars grammaticalsome remaining obscurities in Hebrew. theolo Psalmsearlierearlier (e.g.,solving solving solvingobscurities in Hebrew.(myth-literarliterar somehave religious siastes)s baust easl)s obs uiants telhseo) Pbinsua t lhtaelrs oPa sniandl t teahrm ea onPnsdgalatmhereo a o MANa nngad sthaemto naigtss thtoe vR E F L E C R E F L E C T I O NR E F L E C T I O N cpocmaidthe establisheablishest y ang d literar s and s ands and1998, in toto) because Mesopotamian kings wereMost significant have been the religious (myth- alsoalso the estdthe ed ablishe 1998, in toto) because Mesopotamian kings wereMost significant have been the been the in order to be understood. That the word salms psalms psalmsreaffirmed as1998, in toto) because Mesopotamian kings wereMost significantterminologyBaalBaal in order to be understood. That the word reaffirmed as king through a celebrationcelebrationwhich contain contain contain terminology in order to be understoo p d. That the word re- ritual orking throughasspecial special celebrationassumedinological) texts, whichalso(e.g., ProphePtsr.o Aph wetisPd. roAom pwh tiestxdsto. miAs otwefitxsetdn io sim doe fntetxnifit ieidse onbftytie fine dPids baeynlm tisfi Pe1sd1a ,lb m2y s71Pls,a 2e7n st( )l1,a 1ma,n e2dn 7t3) ,4( l,a nm3d6e ,n3 t1)0 130 45, 3160,6 105106 T I O N p g ro ra icnodgm sc fmleoara rnh cdliw ssorshme facomter i hhvaaeinss dw sht e t abeeie nb i g i e e thw dn .rh tth feteo r ii isg ht e p n . h r o iu iis sed)o. m(Wp,r iaasidss eoa)m .b W,r oaisas da ocbmarto,e agadso rcaya ,b tiernog aothdry ec, ainte gthoer y, in thehuman hliufem bayn p lrihfoeuv bmidyia pnngr o lcivfleid abiryni)t l7h. ld ) Thfsr. ua e(GvlPce eews osfi. ivda lit3e lth 7srhwoae)f.vcshu eeGla s itwvw o theidh la os saev ews htoh ose who stmee rdeiegnbewueentoeu sr i (1amlm 4, 53an61d,0 6 levmfaotrhhaissaking through a special ways of OT of OT smir OT mirror Cmirror Canaaniteandfestival,reaffirmeda ritual was assumedwasinological) texts, which terminologyBaal ways psalms psalms C salms anaaniteand re- ritual or festival, sosimilar ritual was assumedtexts,the OT, especially the (e.g.,the Psalms way ze ofrorp anaaniteandrevelatoryso a similarso a similar ritual ological)OT, especially the Psalms Psalms (e.g., otetw swcosh erslss Awrisrsaoei )(.tpewWsldohr ew ciosen toathrrna ewds ct it oshbenee ta iwrnnotahigdrsc e t wmkt hcbeiaoseedde ni wno eatrri gnbcafdmkodeohoksiao opAowone.h p (h sgeA asehr fprle o e veb Eccle- THEOLOGICTHEOLOGIC beeeonp lep rb(poPeemsoe.np i1s l)eep. d rTh(oP bp(msPee. s eoi1fs.nap )e.i3 l dteThp7hr)((f.oPPu emsGs l fw a oi1si3vdrneiesdci oepnprosts v( Paisnsi.od 4n p9sr) (.o PBvsius. ti4o 9n)s. B(Pust.i 49). But way minimiminimizerevelatorvelthere- message of theto have to haveritual or festival,in light of the context contextused in the OT, especiallyan-the an-El the an-in no in no way nodw theminimize y atoryof theoccurred in Israel in lightin Israel in light of theusedthe storm god who rides a chariot across the sky, able andinand re ay d the redof theandandof these psalms occurred occurredof the contextusedthethe Lotanor dragon, dragon, the Elandwith revolutionarya me volutionarytic prayersof these .to have in Israelthis remains specula-specula- monsterthe sea or and El andto dethrone, mark markableable and re ssagesssageHowever, this remains specula- the storm god who rides a chariot across the sky,with mark a volutionary me prayersient Israelitetion. Therefore,psalms. However,Royalthis remainshasthe storm god who rides a chariot across the sky, person pdeoresso nw hdpaote rsisowrnihg ahdtot i eoss r wijguhsatt ao inrs djru igsgeth ntae nordra ljgluyes nte aOrnaTdlly gi es noOefrTtael nliysaopfpOtleTine d ia spt op fltJieoednb , taoPp rpoJolvibed,r b Ptsro,o Ecr THEOLOGICAL EMPHASES d hptssoaJocbl, esP-, rEocvcelreb-s,AL EMPHASES epr pAL EMPHASES s ,s oasminadest iemso,e msa entdoim sS hSongs,N otrust int hruis pt rienuesa c hnrethiaorpsenut t p tdsger taoue einea cnasrowh at no anrkorsteteu e gebwlpau laeewha r-tro rs ako o anaerurn etebepdr lealee a cgr-awaes otn d rark yon aet-ulrdeflbaro pcgelweeaer-nds o y ar-ln fltrordeaw ecgaend ya-lflroeweButsPsalter. pprayersp andchar- char- istion.of these psalms. However,beenPsalms Psalmsgodsea monster monster or dragon,are three are eosom ntgeotiomSfo ensS got noog fsS , oSnong gso,fOF THEOF WISDOM THEOF WISDOM THE PSALMS WISDOM PSALMS PSALMS nIsraelite Psalter. Psalter. But eticBut ticoe the classificationPsalmsRoyal the seaBaal wants to dethrone, with is rewarisd eredw wairtdhies ad r se wuwcitachre dsaesltsofdaiuns nwclfg daoceice trvhst siais tobatfyniu lss el.auf s anoAcscdercct de icossboas nlrtefi.iduf sseAsilfn aeiocngdcrc toi oblrintsdlfehiei.asneiAsn getlceadcsto,t ts lrehidafree nsi n btidlengeas.l ctotWameutorhio sfs ebnd S eo.il octamWal toaut emlistssrreodo u b onititemhs.caW cahltusaaroilssul e dti dhtosio t mcthhada aelotsslr eo Suwd totoi hisnt thhgdcheoa a lsSlwe odtinto hgtdeoSwointhg e he doe otschhl ikof w rb teopoarros osapn e s(reP afso.o r7n f 3)(.Psa 73). osed throughout ancient Israelitepreferred.tion. Therefore, the classificationbeen god whom whomwhom Baal dethrone,eo idogto c)etll riwhanfiwenageb(s tdoreala)teres tnet o ew th kollpeai srfrawesorbeswtt oprolhea e tarpk reforsrs p ar se as e. s7o3n) . (Ps. Israelite Israelitepo os soea hout anc Therefore, the classification RoyalLotan LotancientBaal wants to wants praises comps compsoss comp ehout ancient IsraeliteisMore recently, attention hasattentioncientgodarethese terms ottfeo1r lPmo4sn:as1g l (oem=vft ti15lteoo4y3r nP :m:1agsn )sa(e,= ld vmaoi 5fstfyoa31eGro:v41tol:e ) 1dfil,ras (as ot=oifmron oe5neo v3Gle:aw 1ilonsah)d ,to ia so nr d ferneoeeaawcolvinielthd ydlisoea.ts rodie oneanecloeiitawxdfyn peh.Sdseo o r dileoeeoaenmclxfic itpdoeSyee-n.orbiaesnecdxe p-mbearoisreend tc hmea-obnra pes ertodhp amhneo ptrireco -tpbhhasenet idpc -rboapsheedt ic-basedwho epns ahNwlem howi esprntosthathelem;owN hwuihosogrte owhp ntttseheahav;o lebehmu roow,g iuwhsrtYtot e acttavhrhebe;owro ah,ue tuogihtYnwh cag te(rh dvaewbeaoretoc,ih) utn rwtYgi(n acadhresegl ikn wa . eg .ta hUhewn l e(a hthwe) his(Yaa rhow)c keis ho a f( rsoacfek)t yios f a asn ardfo eactk yr eaodnf esdea mafe rteyrd aenedm ae r edeemer praise ine praieed througd throug ore the culturalsepaid topreferred. More recently, recently, has cientbeenthe help of three other gods: Death, the Sea, and y y, they inevtheythe ore the bulturalss) of tho paid tois preferred. More attentionforthe help of three other gods: Death, the Sea, andOT. The OT. The tolPivsael matpoa lritv efr aopmtaor Gtl ifovredo amsp r a the help of three other gods: Death, the Sea, andand is uand eirss tuonaodnded ra sist ouondcd haeasrn sutgonioncdgh .aa Unsg nuinlnikgc e Un Y eihkYhistory, the hi itably bitably bv c itably cchar- ticeeparallelspaid to parallels inand poetic poeticpoeticCanaanite for these threeforin the histor v story,oreine ulturals) of tho parallels in Ugaritic religious religious andCanaanite wordsCanaanite words threewsacteristics (pierces (perce i ptions and practices wwor-and wor- texts (Keel, 1978, 1997 in toto; in toto; for toto; prayerprayertheLotan). Thewords for thesea rsetoaereligiousand ptions and prac ptions and prac in Ugaritic1978,UgariticANE Lotan). Thesamewords words in words time actersticacterstics (perce tices) of tho and,ithress, per- genres texts (Keel, 1978, 1997 for ANE prayerLotan). Thesame the the Hebrew in the OT. theto similar to has, as the psalmi spsalmists salmist and ith stleper- genres texts (Keel,the same asHebrewas the HebrewThethdaenititCesa ,dn aiatnhieiwtse, hYd ae(hitwiees)h, (ffaehrwe)de h h(eer ed)o hh teu wostfhitonhhimt, iyhneo hthtirmius, s aytn eignt e hri iscm an,n y gbeutr hr cnias n a nbguerrn c 1997 in ANEinformiantifonrm abatoinuoftnotrahmbeo arutigto htnht aew braoiygusht t tto hw leai vyresig. thot lwivaey. s to live.CanaanCitaen a YoY o tfftfo tff rseod wf thhhoes rtorsues w an burn time, a wrestle withs w wor- ss , see Longman, 2005, 4162). language used by Abraham in Canaan (ca. nine-times, as the stss the pwrestle w ,re st of prog , see Longman, 2005, 4162). theashave been similar tobeen e eeoLITERARLITERARY GENRELITERARY GENREY GENRE We couWld es acyo uthldWa ts eath yc eot huPasldta tlsmhaeys Phthseallptm tuhse h k Penslpoa wlum s sk hneolwp us knaocwh s sniamotnt rtashes ithwelc.aiahtpiHioi nstitc wawalh riidome tnt ohsswwiohcosaThiaeprrl ddwe st h hotwofwoswreraThi dbswrdsedh elo t (omhfPwrose.os ip bes7resd d8walos) l(.h moPofss.w r pe7sirb8saed)els.mloe (mnPst sp G.pr7eos8sad)el. mnts G poreds ent God ship their Gtheir Gotheir the ofin st gof mid pger- to xedmixedgenres teenthlanguage used by Abraham in Canaan (ca. nine-min the in st midthe pro , see Longman, 2005, 4162). B.C.) would would have been similar ship odship d mid Godproress mi re d mitheirUgaritic Language and Texts centurylanguage used by Abraham in Canaan (ca. nine-plexitieplexities, and prelation to theire ationes andses and The UgariticUgaritic Language and Texts Semiticteenth century B.C.)B.C.) would havesWisdomW iissd noomtW r iesia snldlyo tma r ge eainsll ryne oa f tog rere nar lpleys f aol rmg ea n bpruseta flmorh baou wpts taol mhfeo ebwl u atbo o oercuurbitjysoee rcoc tfsuutrkobint jyoea oc wsocetrfio c n tskuuogunrpbito athdj wyeca citoont fuh ag tpke o.tnh idHosawtsnoihnteg w itsh liso fueheto lG waob tdo u wfte hGeil oead bo otwhuhet irlG eb oodto hwkesrh tibeleao cohkth se tre abcoho ks te a ictaortue. plHa tdison sorheilpaTh tain ins, and pain in toxe s thatlanguagea Northwest SemiticUgaritic but more similar to other contemporary s, and p plexitieain in relation rel stheirpromi d thatThe UgariticisUgaritic Language and Texts Semiticteenth century experienceeriences eriencesinelight of promi dCanaanite-typeThe language is a NorthwestSemiticUgaritic but more similar to other contemporary exps inexp ht of div in divine s divineUgaritic language is a NorthwestSemiticUgaritic but more similar to other contemporary ligin light of promi and ah t n ew s bulrsmhosof r wp ustasle htmhoiswn k m seatvphesa atalm ad 1 h(oAu8ltl0 eG, n m4o 1d9 (84A8l,)l e.4 n1 1498)0.,wl lghye inmines renalafl tygu eie enratlluyr ei n nature t a nea clrdbalcy-elud inrgtre eusofinr mfanir nrebepy sdesa gr as l uleintomnceufhrs meap sae ut oaushto hiunotwk Gatobodo tw uh(ti Glkln p rns t u irnmo r ysThgceehnpessTha olsmuc sh p shtaalThhhasA vinsetdh eooatm b w 9icasvodemoa o wnceoi0snmdto pmon ecnotm4p1on4e8n)t.a aht efimt taoeh ttahthte efiarm ttwoeoeta clhtl ch-teaudhartr e etfisw fim otnei ocnelelct -dhtuad he rleirfit t b loiytahllhoiwlvose iyt.pa hHleolhiospiv slwlwee o. rp iyatiHesahto hlispbl h iolawseivsroee ain.dps tH lehyobo i inasfpso slworeg n drsoai ulosyto shd ntfbn oai aiserngs soeosesudn od sald ytrona enfdi-eon sregsdosaaau osnrns dedthd-n aas ievpnsienasac dnsgi afidrhrnc eeasad-vpvl ieleynac gltaaiefih nsdr crdeo hahv ulasleipvygmaie hnltesc hgevdirfi el ofrcrh uebagivglmaelhlyna s cevletoehrelfadmrsobrcemouaesnlmg u acohnneou indvmnce tapcsrmte rbiamooaurnnlen e o cincoutamsnt ciamoernemuneinctast iaorneipunishment. It hasshment demonstrate enthatCanaanite-type language, likeSemiticCanaanite dialects.puni bha been s be ddemonstrate languages areCanaanite-type language,to similari-similari- t,Canaanite dialects. oenot limited to the d to the punishment. It een s . It hademonstrate language, like Hebrew.like Hebrew.Canaanite dialects.Hebrew. the Israelite and Canaanite traditions were notsting onties bylanguages are groupedandto similari- toYet, Hebrew po Yew Hebrey wlimite y was not limite T, the Israelite and Canaanite traditions were notSouth,regionsgrouped accordingofaccordingand f off and sal p fsesetr i t y poaes noti ps tr i d to thed.T,in Luke the Israelite and Canaanite traditions were notties bylanguages are grouped(North, (North, (North,Hebre,w trw a oth OT and Nins cPluradiesaidnescoPilnruraLdaiae smdWeianoesinrc snP dl tLura.o ad OmmiWestde heicnoselidanrt.o s pL sOamias fitamW hclcmealiatsnrsi sdtop ss.osn oiOfima mlcatm hacectettsliuiar oms asnposleml siyfisaaeclcmttauitctmshaio oelsmelno ysnm baitcenutcttehroui metemah olneilbfsysaia ht nu operc rtsethaioh zoelmiomsf nnbah at ipoatsnu srler,rai e ezetlsxmoh oppni sfoaetanhars li ospr,e esren isalxztipliptomaoeenlrnratatirsatesueu lnr, trl eteiheitsxa e.pw plThr oteiatrnrthueiusetrehne l t.iw itThaeilrt ahtertuutrhe .w Thithe b ospstrongly linkely linked, similarities mainly existing onstylisticsEast,regions andisdirectionstheisdirectionsMose Ye Psalter. Biblical psalms sp 15;T,teenth fifteenth. sl1 ep9 r).o H(mPisis. e p1sr9 oa)mn. Hdis ipesrs po arnoodmu pniaccordingfoerl lieonntfb,e oearnlt laideoi nnhmt,ee a fberontenaredlt ilv. in eehomrnHne t ,eti ensranri entcvra.kd ueis nHrlh e omt iers ie i nstcn rektuaevs. lvse eoeerH s rrti lsrspat ei seceartokisuvnpseel gelsroe.lrpai sett eto(iPreanpusvlgs.ee t.1srw9 lpao)(t.ser PrHtuihnsytg wa. nodrt lhreuya sdat nwtodo rlietfhaedy ( Patons. dl 1i fl1e9 a()dP. s t.o 1 l1if9e) .( Ps. 119). strongd, similarities mainly existing ons andSouth,and compassboth isdirectionsboth SemiticMo salms sp s an both OT and N oth OT and Nstrongly linked, similarities mainly exi ties by regionscompassal psalms span b an bsscompass the technictechnics of linguistic vel and stylisticstylistic Canaanite,West). HebrewWest).Semitic SemiticPsalter. Biblic and Mir MoMirxod.Mir fifteenth15; the technicof lings of s andSouth, East,includedbothofromnorth- romams am 15; d.atxo nificat the al levelal levels al le s uisticlinguistic East, West). Hebrew Hebrewand north- Psalter. Biblic and e (E and (Exoam (Efif Luke (Avshur, 1994, in toto).were the godsdevel- letsSemitic.isCanaanite,nearbeenfrom tab- centurytab- e p ye century(c Mag f sso Mar f ysoninf soonof com-(Avishur, 1994, in toto).i i Baal and the OT Psalms were westCanaanite,in the categoryinnorth- tab-fromi rom)6i toe Martoi B.C ) ynificatsnificMag d ter by after by (Avshur, 1994, in toto).includedin the category categoryys Marto Magin Luke included 74 74 74 75 75 75Baal and the OT Psalms with orwere Syria])west Semitic.(decipheredShamrafromincentur o yB.C )6e followe 6e B.C on d afsterc by1:6879). Baal and the OT Psalms godsfoundUgaritic[Ras(decipheredin1:4655B.C 1:4655a cyfollowefolloweaforgodshumans.humans. lets nearwest Semitic. Ugaritic (decipheredecharZe (c o a tr B.C.),yB.C.), dtic.),ofo y (Lukes Ugaritic thepolytheists,withisfound near Ugarit [Ras in modernmodern 1:4655 (c o a chartico prophecyo 1:6879).com-UgaritShamra[Ras ShamramodernIn the ANE, among among polytheists, thehad devel- traditionalnewSyria])lets foundalso northwest TheZ tewahswahse po wahseo po (Luke (Luke 1:6879).saic?) Ugarit opedIn the ANE, the ANE, amongordevel- aandhadyounglanguagealso northwest Semitic. The UgariticUgaritic e p sp char toZ p prophe p b tr s y or p prophe remnant (Mo first to oped toInpolytheists,with humans. young araphylanguageSyria]) ishasSemitic. Semitic. The Ugaritic p tictrssible remnant s ssible ss ofsaic?)20;s a war at war among themselvesreligionlinguisticalsobeen important for developingHebre p theb o eo p e may b (Mo com- romv. northwest often at often among themselvesthemselveshas been important for developingfor developingHebreorssible remnant (Moaoften at war amongreligionolderBaal,newlanguageasaboutimportantHebre si pletesisorte mayapo found e romfirst(Re salms aIn OT times, the Canaanite hadandraphytheories about Hebrewofabout lexicog-lexicog- salmstofoundstle Johnsaic?)s assions In OT times, theIn OT times, the Canaanitetraditionalandlinguistic linguistic theorieslexicog- ple salms mayap psalmstoromapo found20; first aCanaanite religiontraditionalbyhastheoriestheasHebrew HebrewofG1:2bple e sisstle John (Rev. 20;Johnexprestage where the olderwhere thenewthe Canaanite language Gene ene 1:2bthethestle v., the pstage where the olderaoustedsyntax syntaxsyntax Canaanite languagelanguage Gene 1:2b, the p (Re salms aoped to a stageandyounggodsa large aand asandHebrewthe Canaanitecond centur a y A cond centur a y A salms as atic chief deity, El, had been oustedhad beenaBaal,a coup a coup closest closestraphyto (classical) Hebrew of whichwhichyto s p .D.). Thu oetic po , the p poessions y A.D.). Thu.D.). Thuupstart,chief deity, El, had been by Baal,ofcoup into biblical biblical biblical (classical)to s to second centur forpsalmic expressions upstart,chief deity, El, ousted byinlargeto (classical)extant.whichextant. Althoughorliterary as m oro s psalmic with theupstart, with thein godsamountclosestareare texts areHebrewy form fors salmic p etic exprewith the help of otherotheratexts of texts ofaextant. Althoughliterar m orook of Psalms but are help of other godsaboutaboutDahoodamount amountinAlthoughliterar the d to the b cr d to the book of Psalms but are whyhelpwe read we readstorm PsalterDahoodofa Hebrewlight ofHebrew grammard throughout Sc d throug ok of Psalms but are (such as Mot [Death] and Yamm [Sea] and theproducedlargeaingrammar of theofare not confine are not confine ipture. cripture. (such as Mot [Death] and Yamm [Sea] and thethe(withDahood producedgrammarthe ate ofcated throug d to the b(such as Mot [Death] and Yamm [Sea] and thePsalterproducedHebrewPenar) in light ofare not confine hout S hout SSea Serpent, Lotan). This is This we read aboutBaal,Tadeusz Penar) Penar)light ofloc lo locate ripture. Sea Serpent, Lotan).Lotan). This is whystorm (with Tadeusz TadeuszUgariticUgariticUgariticSea Serpent,is whystorm Psalter (with Baal El in theand not ElBaal, thethe not OT. Thus,in the Baal, Baal and not and Baal El in the OT. Thus, OT. Thus,pantheon.god, usurped control control of the Canaanite pantheon.god, usurped of the Canaanite pantheon.god, usurped control of the Canaanite The Ugaritic Lotan (= ) and the Hebrew Le- linguisticsBiblical Chronology of Various Psalms in ScriptureThe Ugaritic Lotan (= ) and the Hebrew Le-The Ugaritic Lotan (= ) and the Hebrew Le-viathan () are cognate cognate in Semitic linguisticst and thBiblical Chronology of Various Psalms in Scripture ca. Period ca. Periodviathan () are ( in Semitic linguisticsand thBiblical Chronology of Various Psalms in Scripture ca. Periodviathan) are cognate in Semitic are(i.e., same consonants,vand thinwas v inTraditional Author Psalm/Poetic Verse Content Genesis 1:2b15th cent. B.C.*(i.e., note the same consonants, L-T-N; t L-T-N; t L-T-N;was Traditional Author Psalm/Poetic Verse Content LocationLocationLocationare(i.e., note the note the same consonants,languageHe- Moses Traditional Author Psalm/Poetic Verse Content elism) Genesis 1:2b15th cent. B.C.* 15th cent. B.C.*are interchangeable andwas the interchangeable and each languageeachHe- Genesis 1:2binterchangeable and each language without vowels; thein He-written written originally originally vowels; the vLord; Lord; Canaanite Banaanite Baal Figurine, Louvre Moses Moses storm at Creation (paralelism) elism)originallywritten without without vowels;meansCanaanite Baal Figuraal Figouvine, Louvre storm at Creation (paralbrew can also be also be o also bemeans Lord; are: Elare: El C ine, Lurre storm at Creation (paralo atcan at times). Baal meansFor more information brew can brewtimes). Baalo at times). Baal master. The Hebrew words for G/god are: El G/godElohimcertain certain certain*Genesis 1 could rather have originated among postexilic Levites for a Sabbath lesson )) ) Exodus 15 1446 B.C.1446 B.C.master. The Hebrew words for words for*Genesis 1 could rather have originated among postexilic Levites for a Sabbath lesson 1446 B.C.master. The Hebrew G/godElohim*Genesis 1 could rather have originated among postexilic Levites for a Sabbath lesson().(),).(),in(the( plural Elohimpantheon,Some scholars find parallels withmythologyMoses/Miriam Song () of the Sea ( Exodus 15 OT Psalms 1420 B.C.(), Eloah Eloah and ), and the and the pluralinSome scholarsSome scholarswithparallels withTheyMoses/Miriam Moses/Miriam Song () of the Sea ( Exodus 15 1420 B.C. 1420 B.C.latterWhen(), Eloahthe),inpluralthethetheamongfind parallelsfindmythologyMoses Moses Moses Psalm 90Psalm 90 ) of the Sea ( OT Psalms 1300 B.C. 1300 B.C.( usedused pagan pantheon,paganthepsalms psalms among Mesopotamianof Theyof Deborahs Song ( Song ( Judges 5 OT Psalms Judges 5 1300 B.C.tionlatter( ),the in), thepagan pantheon,(religious texts likepsalms amongmythologyprayers).Deborahs Song ( Judges 5termWhen ). When usedtheconnec-connec- OTMesopotamianMesopotamianPsalm 90tionterm gods. When(),connec- OT(religioushymns andlike hymns andfeatureDeborahs Song ( on the series, please visit meantlatter term used in used in usedOTtexts like hymns and prayers).of meant gods. Whenthetheindicated the(religiousprayers). They meant gods. When with Yahweh ( with Yahwehindicatedpluralcountered thatwas atextsa significant featuresee alsoDeborahDeborahDeborahgreatestwith Yahweh (plural plural indicatedworshipthatsignificant featuresee toto; thegreatesttiontheHebrewbycountered argue that(e.g argue.,worship was,a significantPsalms God. The Hebrew psalmistscountered argue.,worship was, inKloos see alsoin also CanaaniteGod. ThebyThe psalmists psalmistsYahwehKloos, 1986,.,toto; in 1986,Psalms thegreatest God. wasHebrew by claimingreligionOT (e.g Kloos1986,toto;Royal Canaanite theologians( claimingtheOTOT religion religion (e.g The OTs RoyalKeruxCommentaries.com.theologians()claiming)Yahweh YahwehHoward, Howard,The OTs Royal Psalms () not ) notthe Canaanite theologianswhoCreator,1999, 32968).1999, 32968). The OTs (Baal(Baal was the Creator, Creator, whowho1999, 32968). ( ))Baalthe wasHoward,not 35 35 3534 34 34Kerux commentariesand Kerux commentariesKerux commentaries are are written are written written for for trainedfortrained trained pastors pastors pastors and and teachers and teachers teachers who who1)who1)speak speak1) speak regularly, regularly, regularly, 2)2)have have2) somehave somesomeknowledge knowledge knowledge ofofGreekGreekof Greek and and Hebrew, and 3) spend significant time preparing to preach and teach Gods Word. Each volume offers the following:Hebrew, and 3) spend significant time preparing to preach and teach Gods Word. Each volume offers the following:Hebrew, and 3) spend significant time preparing to preach and teach Gods Word. 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