• That You May Believe

    That You May Believe
    Product Information

    Price: $26.99

    ISBN: 9780825448386

    Edition: April 22, 2025

    Publication date: April 22, 2025

    Format: Paperback

    Imprint: Kregel Academic

    Category: Biblical Studies

    Click to View Pricing

    That You May Believe

    Essays on John in Honor of Andreas J. Köstenberger

    Throughout his career, Professor Andreas J. Köstenberger has demonstrated a deep passion and commitment for both scholarly research and faithful living. In his eyes, the two are inseparable, and his books and teachings reflect the balancing and integrating of these two ideals. Nowhere does Köstenberger do this more than in his study of the book of John. The essays collected here both honor and reflect his influence as a scholar and teacher. They exegete, analyze, and examine the book of John and its recent scholarship. This diverse array of texts provides a foundation for a better
    understanding of John, so that like Köstenberger, we can grow in our comprehension and in turn grow in our faith.
    Author: Quinn Mosier
    Quinn Mosier (MDiv, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a New Testament PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is writing on John’s Trinitarian Christology. He also serves as a pastoral assistant at Wornall Road Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri.
    T. Desmond Alexander
    T. Desmond Alexander is senior lecturer in Biblical Studies and director of Postgraduate Studies at Union Theological College, Belfast. For ten years, he had been director of Christian Training for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Previous to that position, he lectured for 18 years in Semitic Studies at the Queen’s University of Belfast. He is the author of From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Main Themes of the Pentateuch and coeditor of Heaven on Earth. He is also the coeditor of New Dictionary of Biblical Theology and Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch.
    Robert W. Yarbrough
    Robert W. Yarbrough (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) is chair of the New Testament department and associate professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has edited, authored, coauthored, or translated several books, including three by Eta Linnemann and a biography of Adolf Schlatter. He has also contributed articles on Schlatter to reference works.