A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
Product Information
ISBN: 9780825458453
Edition: April 22, 2025
Pages: 608
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25 (inch.)
Publication date: April 22, 2025
Format: Hardback
Imprint: Kregel Academic
Bible Commentaries
A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
Kerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and effectively present the main message in a biblical text
Each volume uniquely combines the insights of an experienced Bible exegete (trained in interpretation) and a homiletician (trained in preaching). These two authors work together to explain the essential message for the original listeners or readers, unpack its timeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept. Every book is a resource designed and written with the real needs of the pastor and teacher always in view, providing many ways to creatively express the principal thought in a biblical passage.
In this first of two volumes, authors Robert Chisholm and Mike Hontz apply exegetic and homiletic training to help elucidate the richness of Isaiah. With faithfulness to the biblical witness, these authors explore chapters 1-39 of Isaiah, discussing what it would have meant to their original audience and how that can inform what it is saying to the church today. In these chapters, cries for redemption are interspersed with denouncements of injustice and economic exploitation, and warnings of judgment are mingled with words of hope. Ultimately, Isaiah is about God's faithfulness, an enduring faithfulness that persists despite the unfaithfulness of Israel, Judah, and all the nations. Working together to provide an invaluable tool to both preacher and scholar alike, Chisholm and Hontz expertly illuminate the richness of the text while providing real-world, present-day application.
Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader's ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.
Robert B. Chisholm Jr. (ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is Department Chair and Professor of Old Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is a translator and the Senior Old Testament Editor of the NET Bible. Chisholm's other publications include Interpreting the Minor Prophets, Handbook on the Prophets, and A Workbook for Intermediate Hebrew.
(MDiv, Grace Theological Seminary) got his masters
of divinity in biblical exegesis. He and his wife, Marta, have two
daughters, Elliana and Emily. They live in Warsaw, Indiana, where he
serves as Senior Pastor of Pleasant View Bible Church.