b'HebrewsA Commentary for Biblical Preaching and TeachingHerbert W. Bateman IV and Steven W. SmithKERUX COMMENTARIESKerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and effectively presentthe main message in a biblical textE achvolumeuniquelycombinestheinsightsofanex- perienced Bible exegete (trained in interpretation) and a homiletician (trained in preaching). These two authors work togethertoexplaintheessentialmessagefortheoriginal listeners or readers, unpack its timeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept. Every book is a resource designed and written with the real needs of the pastor and teacher always in sight, providing many ways to creatively express the principal thought in a biblical passage.Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the readers ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohe-sive, and dynamic.Herbert W. Bateman IV (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) has taught New Testament exegesis for twenty years and is currently president of the Cyber-Center for Biblical Studies. His other publications include Johns Letters (Big Greek Idea), Jude (Evangelical Exegetical Commentary), and Interpreting the General Letters.StevenW.Smith(PhD,RegentUniversity)isafourth- generation pastor and presently serves as the senior pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Smith has taught homiletics for fifteen years. His other publications include Preaching for the Rest of Us: Essentials for Text-DrivenPreachingandDyingtoPreach:Embracingthe Cross in the Pulpit.RELATED TITLESUNIQUE SELLING POINTS A major addition to the big-picture978-0-8254-5839-2$36.99Kerux Commentaries series Hardback7.5 x 9.25432 pages Designed to provide pastors withBiblical Commentary / New Testament / all the information and inspirationGeneral Epistlesneeded for sermon preparation Kregel AcademicRights: WorldJanuary 26, 2021 Brand-new commentary on one of the Philippians Charts on the Book most doctrinally significant books of 978-0-8254-5835-4$27.99 of Hebrews the New Testament 978-0-8254-2466-3$26.99www.kregel.com 9'