b'OLD FAVORITES , NEW COVERSJ esus use of figures of speech, proverbs, and stories shows theiscipleship may be a popular term in Christian circles, but what simplicity, depth of insight, and sublimity of thought that only aTHE PAR D does it really mean for the individual to follow Christ as a bibli- DESIGN FOR DISCIPLESHIP DESIGNmaster teacher can express. But the parables of Jesus are more than just great literature. As the author observes, It is often overlookedcal disciple?that the primary purpose of the parables was to instruct those toVeteran seminary professor and Bible teacher J. Dwight Pentecost whom the parables were originally spoken. In fact, almost one- provides a practical discussion of the biblical design for followingFORthird of Christs teachings in the Gospels is given in the form ofChrist in Design for Discipleship. Balanced between the extremes of parables.easy believism and Lordship salvation, Pentecost demonstrates that discipleship is a growing experience of knowledge, commitment, ac-In order to properly interpret the parables, the author describesABLES OF JESUS tive love, and sacrificial service. on the knowledge of the person ofDISCIPLESHIPthe context in which each parable was spoken and the backgroundThere is a vast difference between being saved and being a dis-against which it was delivered. He then explains the problem orciple, . . . a relationship based question that each parable addresses and the solution it contains.Christ, a love for the person of Christ, submission to the person Some of the over forty parables discussed include: of Jesus Christ, and obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ,DISCOVERING GODSDr. Pentecost observes. Our desire in these studies of the New The Wise and Foolish Builder (Matt. 7:2429; Luke 6:4349) Testament teaching on discipleship is to unsettle you who have be- BLUEPRINT FOR THEThe Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:3132) come so comfortable, to disquiet you who have become so satisfied,CHRISTIAN LIFEThe Persistent Widow (Luke 18:18) in order that we might become a people who . . . are disciples in The Ten Minas (Luke 19:1127) truth.The Sheep and the Goats (Matt. 25:3146) THE PAR ABLES OF profes-J. Dwight Pentecost (19152014) was distinguished profes- jesus Seminary J. Dwight Pentecost (19152014) was distinguished sor emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological sor emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminarywhere he taught for fifty-eight years. He was also senior pastor of where he taught for fifty-eight years. He was also senior pastor ofGrace Bible Church in Dallas. His over twenty books include Thy Grace Bible Church in Dallas. His over twenty books include ThyPENTECOST Kingdom Come: Tracing Gods Kingdom Program and Covenant PromisesPENTECOSTKingdom Come: Tracing Gods Kingdom Program and Covenant PromisesThroughout History; Faith That Endures: A Practical Commentary on Throughout History; Faith That Endures: A Practical Commentary onthe Book of Hebrews; and The Parables of Jesus: Lessons in Life from the the Book of Hebrews; and Design for Discipleship: Discovering GodsMaster Teacher.Blueprint for the Christian Life.Biblical Studies LESSONS IN LIFE FROM THE MASTER TEACHER Christian LivingISBN 978-0-8254-4724-2 ISBN 978-0-8254-4723-5C L A S S I C S 9 780825 447242 C L A S S I C J. DWIGHT PENTECOST 780825 447235 C L A S S I C J. DWIGHT PENTECOSTC L A S S I C SS 9 SD r. Pentecost describes the setting of each parable, explainsP entecostdemonstratesthatdiscipleshipisagrowing the problem or question it addresses, and offers Christsexperienceofknowledge,commitment,activelove,and solution to that issue. service.The Parables of Jesus | 978-0-8254-4724-2 | $15.99 Design for Discipleship | 978-0-8254-4723-5 | $12.99J . Dwight Pentecost (19152014) was distinguished pro-fessor of Bible exposition, emeritus, at Dallas Theological Seminary. He earned a BA from Hampden-Sydney College, and both a ThM and ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary. HismanyworksincludeTheJoyofLiving,TheDivine Comforter, and Thy Kingdom Come. Now this beloved teach-ers work is available in new covers for the next generation.www.kregel.com 25'