b'THEOLOGYUNLIMITED ATONEMENTMICHAEL F. BIRD & SCOTT HARROWERAMYRALDISM AND REFORMED THEOLOGYLimited atonement is not the only Reformed model of atonementHypothetical universalism or unlimited atonement, states that Christs death is sufficient for the guilt of all people yet is only effec-tively applied to those with faith. This tradition, typified by the French Reformer Mose Amyraut, has continued among Anglicans and Baptists for over four centuries, yet has been underexplored in Reformed system-atic theology.Unlimited Atonement fills a gap in resources on atonement theology that begin with the unlimited love of God. Editors Michael F. Bird and Scott Harrower draw on the specialties of each of the ten contributors, address-ing themes such as:The biblical and historical sources of the soteriological position known as AmyraldismDistinctive features of Anglican atonement theologyHypothetical universalism, election, and the Baptist theological traditionOther prominent advocates of unlimited atonementThe issues of systematic theology at stakeAtonement theology in preachingUnlimited Atonement is the most comprehensive analysis of Amyraldism to date, providing a resource for theology and Bible students and teachers in an esoteric stream of Reformed theology. Bird and Harrower provide a starting point for anyone who wants to understand the sources and mer-its of Amyraldism.Michael F. Bird (PhD, University of Queensland) is Academic Dean and Lecturer in New Testament at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia. He is an Anglican priest and has written over thirty books in the areas of Christian thought and biblical studies including Trinity Without Hierarchy: Reclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical Theology.ScottHarrower(PhD.,TrinityEvangelicalDivinitySchool)isAssis-tant Professor of Theology and History at Ridley College, Australia. He is author of God of All Comfort: A Trinitarian Response to the Horrors of This World, coauthor of Dawn of Sunday: The Trinity and Trauma-Safe Churches, and coeditor of Trinity Without Hierarchy: Reclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical Theology.Related Titles40 Questions About Calvinism978-0-8254-4231-5$24.99Trinity Without Hierarchy978-0-8254-4462-3$25.99978-0-8254-4641-2$26.99Paperback6 x 9272 pagesChristian Theology /Soteriology KREGELKregel AcademicRights: World A C A D E M I CJuly 18, 202324kregel.com/academic'