• 1 Peter

    1 Peter
    Product Information

    Price: $32.99

    ISBN: 9780825458415

    Edition: January 10, 2023

    Pages: 336

    Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25 (inch.)

    Publication date: January 10, 2023

    Format: Hardback

    Imprint: Kregel Ministry

    Category: Bible Commentaries

    Series: Kerux

    Click to View Pricing

    1 Peter

    A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching

    Kerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and effectively present the main message in a biblical text.

    Each volume uniquely combines the insights of an experienced Bible exegete (trained in interpretation) and a homiletician (trained in preaching). These two authors work together to explain the essential message for the original listeners or readers, unpack its timeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept. Every book is a resource designed and written with the real needs of the pastor and teacher always in sight, providing many ways to creatively express the principal thought in a biblical passage.

    Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader’s ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.

    In 1 Peter, Timothy Miller and Bryan Murawski demonstrate how the activity of the triune God provides both encouragement and exhortation to the first-century readers of 1 Peter. The God who created and called believers has both redeemed them and empowered them to stand firm in the face of the world’s rejection. Such theological realities apply also to today’s believers, those elect of God yet exiles in the world. Miller and Murawski infuse textual, canonical, historical, and rhetorical insight to support the preaching preparation of expositors eager to share the relevance of 1 Peter with their congregations.
    Author: Timothy E. Miller
    Timothy E. Miller (PhD in Historical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, PhD in Biblical Studies , Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of New Testament at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Triune God of Unity in Diversity and Translating 1 Peter Clause by Clause.
    Bryan Murawski
    Bryan Murawski (PhD in Historical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary) teaches Bible and ministry courses at Cairn University. He is the author of Preaching Difficult Texts of the Old Testament.