Hearing God in Conversation

August 24, 2016

Katherine Scott Jones
"Williamson's to-the-point book is solidly grounded in Scripture, augmented by the wisdom of respected Christian leaders, both contemporary and historical, and leavened with personal anecdotes. [His] style is engaging and authentic. I found it so engrossing."

BookWoman Joan
"I highly recommend this book to those who desire to hear from God. You'll get great teaching on how that might happen in the ordinary living of life. My rating: 5/5 stars."

Hanna Lei
"The book is easy to read and has real ideas and advice for praying and hearing God."

Nathan Albright
"This book is a deeply encouraging one for those who wish to read how to better communicate with God."

Conrade Yap
"Williamson has given us a really helpful tool to show us the many varied ways that God uses to speak to us. 4.5 stars of 5."

"I like the style of this book, very informative without being too preachy. Loved it."

"What I like about Hearing God In Conversation is that it teaches us not only how to hear God through Scripture and biblical meditation, but it also shows us how to hear God speak in every aspect of our lives. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars."

Berly Sue
"I cannot begin to recommend this book enough! It has changed my life, and I am seriously considering using it as a small group study this Fall! I think this book answers many, many questions that are common to believers at every point of their spiritual journey!"

"I think this is an excellent resource to read and pass on to others. Enjoy reading it."

"He makes a strong and helpful contribution to the topic of hearing God. The best thing I can say about a book on prayer is that it makes me want to pray. This book certainly makes want to do that.
Five stars. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★"

M Taylor
"The book is very readable, contains, appropriate examples of good humor, and transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter. I will be giving this to one of our children as she prepares to transition into adulthood and more responsibility. Good read."